[GRASS5] Re: Vector symbols & g.region

Florian Goessmann florian at wallweg39.de
Sat Dec 11 06:12:41 EST 2004

On 10 Dec 2004, at 17:39, Markus Neteler wrote:

>> On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 10:08:46AM -0400, Bob Covill wrote:

>>>>> What is the status of the vector symbols in 5.7? I have created a 
>>>>> few
>>>>> more basic symbols and can apply them to CVS. At this point in 
>>>>> time I
>>>>> have created them under basic, but I assume at some point in time 
>>>>> we
>>>>> will need to create more sub-categories (eg. basic, map, geology, 
>>>>> ...).

i updated d.m/vector.tcl that it can handle multiple categories. the 
problem is, that the categories are hard-coded (the icons aren't 
anymore, they are selected with a GSelect window) and i haven't figured 
out how to have them updated without having to change the source code. 
i hope that a can upload the changes to cvs next week that you can have 
a look at them.

>> I have right now added a button/selector to d.vect (nice for the tcl 
>> popup).
> I have fixed it again, the basic/ was not included yet.
> To make it working, I had to comment
>   /*closedir(dir);*/
> to avoid segfault (very strange, I'm sure that I dislike strings).

although d.vect works again, there is one issue left. with the current 
selector, the icons are limited to those in the basic directory. as the 
items on the list created by the new function are something like 
"basic/icon", d.vect doesn't accept for example "demo/icon" anymore as 
the "demo" directory doesn't appear anywhere on the possible list.
thus, this version of d.vect doesn't properly work with my changes to 
vector.tcl or a cli call of d.vect as they both allow the use of other 
symbol directories than "basic".
for now, that doesn't really matter as there is are no other symbols as 
those in basic (at least officially, who know what guys have on there 
hard drives) but once there are more symbol collections this issue has 
to be addressed.


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