[GRASS5] grass 5.0.3 in debian

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Wed Jan 28 06:28:48 EST 2004

Federico Di Gregorio wrote:

> Il mar, 2004-01-27 alle 14:39, Glynn Clements ha scritto:
> [snip]
> > Do the tkInt.h and tkIntDecls.h files from Debian's Tk 8.4 source code
> > match the tkInt8.4.h and tkIntDecls8.4.h files included in
> > NVIZ2.2/src?
> > 
> > Note: those files probably won't be included in any binary package;
> > that's why NVIZ includes copies. But NVIZ' copies *must* match the Tk
> > library which it uses.
> argh. this is evil. any well-done package should include all needed
> header files as debian does in /usr/include/tcl8.4/tk-private/.

Unfortunately, not including tkInt.h etc appears to be standard
practice; probably because they aren't required unless you are
creating your own widget classes.

Those headers aren't installed by Tk's "make install", and aren't
included in most vendors' binary packages. So, GRASS has to include
the tkInt.h and tkIntDecls.h files for the various Tk versions.

> anyway, a diff does not report anything usefull (no real
> differences.)

That's one possibility eliminated.

Has anything changed between 8.3 and 8.4 which would affect code which
creates new widget classes?

> should we revert to 8.3?

Tk 8.4 isn't going to go away, so NVIZ/Togl will have to deal with the
issues eventually.

Another line of approach would be to check whether the original Togl
code has had any changes for Tk 8.4.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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