[GRASS5] Problem with d.mon under grass5.4

Damiano Triglione damiano.triglione at polimi.it
Thu Nov 25 06:19:45 EST 2004

I installed grass 5.4 with options without: postgres,mysql,odbc,fftw,proj,gdal,opengl,tiff,tcltk,png
because I thought it was quicker for me and I did not need them.
Unfortunately, when I type
   d.mon start=x0

I have the following error message:
Could not execute monitor: No such file or directory
No socket to connect to for monitor <x0>.
Problem selecting x0. Will try once more
No socket to connect to for monitor <x0>.

If anyone can help me to understand which options should I include to recompile grass correctly and let me understand if there is a way to compile only the missing libraries, I will appreciate.
Thank you in advance,
Damiano Triglione
damiano.triglione at polimi.it
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