[GRASS5] Python binding for Grass library

Sajith VK sajithvk at gmail.com
Wed Jul 20 02:17:34 EDT 2005

 Its a much discussed issue, I check almost all prvious discussions on it.
Python bindings was developed
and is available at ftp://intevation.de/users/bernhard/libgrass5/
I didnt used it, and has no Idea about its working. But now it is four
years old.

But python binding for libgrass (and for grass modules, if possible)
is really helpful, and I think will result in more contribution to grass
(Developing a model in python is very very easy, for researchers).

So I wish to know is there any other python binding exists for libgrass,
or is someone working on it. 

Currently I dont have any idea about how to create python bindings..
Can someone suggest on this? I can spend some time for this...


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