[GRASS5] [bug #3342] (grass) many small v. and db. man page bugs
Markus Neteler
neteler at itc.it
Sat Jun 11 06:31:42 EDT 2005
On Fri, Jun 10, 2005 at 08:43:23PM +0200, Request Tracker wrote:
> this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=3342
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> $ man v.to.db
> v.to.db load values from vector to database.
> Add there "or report to stdout" or something, otherwise one needs to
> read deep into the man page to find out v.to.db can do that.
> $ man db.execute
> echo 'create table soils ("cat" int, "soiltype" text)' | db.execute
> But the user will ask "I found I didn't need the double quotes".
> ...db.tables, GRASS SQL interface
> You mean
> ...db.tables(1), sql(1).
AFAIK this was already fixed time ago.
> $ man db.describe
> Same problem as above, and also "GRASS 5.7 tutorial pages" embedded
> into the man page. Best not to embed version numbers there.
Right, was already fixed.
> $ man v.in.ascii
> columns=string
> Columns definition for points mode in SQL style, for example:
> x=integer
> Number of column used as x coordinate (first column is 1) for
> points mode. Default: 1
> I there a missing example, or is x=integer part of it? The user can't
> tell by the indentation...
I don't understand the question.
> Why the billion newlines?
> $ man v.in.ascii |sed '/are as follows:/,$!d'|od -c|sed 's/[0-9 ]\+//g'
> Theprimi
> tivecodesarea
> sfollows:\n\n\n\n\n\n
> \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
> Thecoordinates
Looking at
g.manual -m v.in.ascii
it doesn't look too strange.
> $ man v.to.points
> v.to.points creates points along input lines.
> OK, but also mention what ends up in the database files, just the
> points created, or other previous things too. And what layers they
> end up on.
> $ man v.db.connect
> Connect vector map to database (PostgreSQL driver)
> db.describe -c map=vectormap <--Remove this whole line!
> P.S.:
> $ ls grassdata/shangcheng/addressing/dig_att
> eeee kk
> I must have made them somehow, but I can't list them with
> g.list. I even tried:
> IFS=, set -x rast,rast3d,vect,oldvect,asciivect,\
> icon,labels,sites,region,region3d,group,3dview
> set $@; for i do g.list type=$i;done
Since dig_att is usually not created in GRASS 6, it might be a residual
of GRASS 4/5 operations.
> [Sorry once again to send fragments, but it takes about a minute to
> send each email, so tough to fit into one modem call... will use
> separate messages if more than just fragments...]
Sounds promising.
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> Subject: many small v. and db. man page bugs
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Markus Neteler <neteler itc it> http://mpa.itc.it
ITC-irst - Centro per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica
MPBA - Predictive Models for Biol. & Environ. Data Analysis
Via Sommarive, 18 - 38050 Povo (Trento), Italy
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