[GRASS5] [bug #3362] (grass) r.proj works ONLY when source and target mapset names are identical

Morten Hulden morten at untamo.net
Wed Jun 22 19:32:27 EDT 2005

Paul Kelly wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Jun 2005, Morten Hulden wrote:
>> Glynn Clements wrote:
>>> This is a very good reason not to use G_tempfile() for normal
>>> temporary files.
>>> There is no guarantee that the user can create files or directories
>>> within the source location.
>> So, not a r.proj specific problem then. A lot of modules may suffer 
>> from using G_tempfile().
>> r.proj is not calling G_tempfile() directly. In the case mentioned 
>> above suspects are datum.c, get_datum_name.c, get_ell_name.c or some 
>> other function from /lib/gis files.
> Even so, it should be creating a temp file in the current mapset, not in 
> the location that is being projected from. Perhaps the location switching
> code in r.proj might not be handling the mapset correctly. Although I 
> tried to reproduce the problem and couldn't.

I could not reproduce the problem either; I was able to reproject from a 
mapset where I did not have write permission, but r.proj did not even 
try to create a .tmp directory anywhere in the source mapset.

OTOH I am running a CVS version a few weeks old. I'll update and see 
what happens. Although r.proj has not changed some underlying library 
routines may have ...


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