[GRASS5] [bug #3096] (grass) ps.map: Scale is all screwed up in Lat/Lon

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Wed Mar 16 03:35:38 EST 2005

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=3096

Subject: ps.map: Scale is all screwed up in Lat/Lon 

grass 6.1-cvs mar 2005

When making a lat/lon map with ps.map, the scale is all messed up.

a map covering 3x4 degrees on an A4 page reports a scale of "1:16".

trying to adjust with the 'scale' ps.map command does nothing.
You have to size the map with maploc and page border size, but that doesn't
work very well.

also I think there might be a problem with the bounding box if you use the -r
rotate flag for a landscape page layout. gv and gnome-gv cut off the page at
about the portait page width if you tell it to display in landscape mode.
(not LL specific)


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