Māris Nartišs maris.gis at gmail.com
Tue Nov 15 11:00:59 EST 2005


IMHO grass should be kept as professional tool. For creating simple
printable maps etc. there are many other tools (QGIS ie.). IMHO GRASS
should be "working horse" that does all hard job and not tries to sit
on 2 chairs.

Using multiple GUI tool kits is wrong, as there are many toolkit
specific problems and using time for duplicating work is bad idea, as
we do not have as many GRASS developers to do so. Better write new
tools on enhance existing ones than shiny new GUI without content.

As most of this lists users use GRASS, they have no clue how
commercial products work. WTF is swipe in ERDAS? And WTF is ERDAS?
ViewFinder, Imagine?

OFT: Has anyone of You used SAGA (2.x)? If no - give it a try.

Just my 2c.

2005/11/15, Sajith VK <sajithvk at gmail.com>:
> Hello all,
>         I am using GRASS for some time, for both GIS
> applications and Image processing. We tried to spread
> the use of GRASS in my institute and lack of good GUI
> is the first complaint any new user raises. So I wish
> to drop my ideas. (Sorry for a long mail........)
> Single Window/ Multiwindow
> -------------------------------------------
>         For GIS applications an integrated single window
> application is better. I like thuban, QGis for simple
> operations. But for Image processing applications a single
> window is not sufficient at all. But in GRASS when I open
> multiple display windows, my desktop become cluttered!.
>        So I think a "tabbed" approach(like in gedit, firefox etc)
> may be better. Each display window should be a "tab" and each
> tabs should be "docable".
> Tool kit(TK/GTK/QT)
> -----------------------------
>         Custom application development is very important in
> GIS. Hence selection of toolkit decides the way in which
> we can develop custom applications based on GRASS. Now each
> programmer has his own choice for toolkit. I like Gnome(and uses Gtk),
> and similarly someone else may like KDE(and use QT).
>         So first a generic outline need to be developed. Later
> it should be implemented in both Qt and Gtk(atleast). So we
> can have a base application(say grass) and a set of GUI's
> (ggrass,kgrass,wxgrass etc). Initially it can be implemented
> in one toolkit and later extend to all.
> Layers
> -----------
>         "thuban" has good support for layer concept. But GRASS needs
> additional features like "swipe" feature in ERDAS. Also we should be
> able to assign transparency to layers. "Legend" editing should be
> easy at display level. (as in thuban?).
> Bye
> --
> Change the rules, or the rules will change you
>      ---------Kumaranasan
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