[GRASS-dev] WxPython prototype GRASS GUI. Version 2

Yann Chemin ychemin at gmail.com
Fri Aug 4 05:24:20 EDT 2006

very nice!

I would be interested to help within a couple of months from now.

Used it on a Linux Mandriva 2007.
When closing the window of Import (or export) by the Upper Right X
button, it reopens the dialog once. if closed again the sme way, then
it does not come back.

Same comments on resizing, the display flickers and troubles the cursor.
Really like it ! Congrats!


On 04/08/06, Michael Barton <michael.barton at asu.edu> wrote:
> Building on Jachym¹s work and doing a personal Œsummer of code¹ since I¹m
> not in the field for a change, I¹ve completed a 2nd version of a wxPython
> GUI for GRASS 6.
> It was developed and tested with wxPython 2.6.3 (ANSI version) and Python
> 2.4.3 (ActiveStates binary) for Mac OS X. The wxPython site is at
> <http://wiki.wxpython.org/index.cgi/wxPython> and has links to Python
> downloads. Currently, the command line interface, display window, and
> example menu items are functional. There is also a non-functional demo tree
> control for GIS layers and notebook interface. I haven¹t yet done options
> panels or their equivalents.
> In the command console window, you can enter GRASS (or other) commands to be
> parsed by the OS. Yes, you can even enter display commands and they will
> magically create displays. You can chain together display commands,
> separated by commas. For example, you can type...
> d.rast elevation_dem, d.vect roads color=red
> ...to create a display of a DEM overlayed by a red road network from the
> Spearfish60 demo data set. For some reason g.list bombs. But other commands
> seem to work pretty well, and can also launch the current TclTk GUI dialogs.
> You can open multiple display windows; the one on top and active (i.e.,
> click it) is the one that will receive and process display commands from the
> console.
> Zoom in, zoom out, and pan controls are functional in the map display
> window, though zooming is a bit ugly. A few demo menu items are included.
> These could be redone as a toolbox, as several have suggested, using an icon
> mode listcontrol. There is a simple treecontrol for layers. I haven't added
> any icons. There is a nice custom treecontrol available that can have
> checkboxes and other widgets that we might want to use.
> Please give it a try and see what you think. It is especially important to
> see if it runs well cross-platform. I'm sure there are bugs, and the error
> trapping is minimal. I'm sure that the code could (and should) be
> modularized and optimized more. However, it seems to do much of the basic UI
> work that we need. While wxPython lacks a few items that we use in TclTk, it
> has a number of other widgets or more sophisticated versions of widgets that
> are lacking or underdeveloped in TclTk. Given that I knew ZERO Python in
> May, to have come this far in a few months is a testament to the relative
> ease of programming in this platform. I'm sold on it for GRASS UI
> development because of its flexibility, versitility, power, and ease of
> programming. For anyone interested, my references have been:
> Rappin, Noel and Robin Dunn
>     2006 wxPython in Action. Manning Publications, Greenwich, CT.
> Hetland, Magnus
>     2005 Beginning Python: from Novice to Professional.
> Apress/Springer-Verlag, NY.
> And the ActiveStates Python 2.4 documentation package.
> I've used SPE (cross-platform, open source) as an integrated development.
> environment (IDE) for coding.
> After this has been evaluated a bit and (hopefully) works for everyone, the
> next step could be to divide up the tasks of porting the GUI from TclTk to
> wxPython, trying to follow the GUI roadmap. This is a very big job and could
> use the coordinated work of several people. As we do that, and after we have
> a relatively functional product, we can begin to implement some of the
> updates, improvements, and wishes that can be better done more easily with
> wxPython. If you are interested in helping but don't know Python or
> wxPython, take heart. Even I could learn enough to do something useful in a
> fairly short time.
> If you want to download and try out gism.py, I made a section on the GRASS
> WIKI for it in the development/python section and linked it to the tgz
> package on my website for download. I also uploaded the tgz file to the
> WIKI, but can't figure out how to link it to the text section I did (Can
> someone advise me on this?)
> Enjoy!
> Michael
> __________________________________________
> Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
> School of Human Evolution & Social Change
> Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
> Arizona State University
> phone: 480-965-6213
> fax: 480-965-7671
> www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton
> _______________________________________________
> grass-dev mailing list
> grass-dev at grass.itc.it
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