[GRASS-dev] Re: winGRASS

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Thu Dec 14 06:54:00 EST 2006

On 13/12/06 15:03, Moritz Lennert wrote:
> On Wed, December 13, 2006 14:29, Paul Kelly wrote:

>>> Pa: Also install: flex from gnuwin32.sourceforge.net and put flex.exe in
>>> Mingw bin directory
>>> Mo: Why not flex from mingw ? And all I need to do is copy flex.exe,
>>> nothing else ?
>> I couldn't find flex on the Mingw site. Maybe I was blind. Is it there?
>> Yes, just putting the flex.exe in the mingw bin directory worked fine for
>> me.
> Here:
> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=2435&package_id=82724&release_id=158862

used this and it seems for work fine.

>>> Pa: Use bison from Mingw as Gnuwin32 bison looks for libintl3.dll
>>> Mo: I did that, but I get this error:
>>> cannot open file `/msys/share/bison/m4sugar/m4sugar.m4': No such file or
>>> directory
>>> make[3]: *** [y.tab.h] Error 1
>>> It is in /mingw/share/bison/m4sugar/m4sugar.m4. I don't know why it is
>>> looking for it in msys ? This causes an error in the compilation of
>>> libvect and so many consequent errors.
>> Ah OK. I think I hacked about with that a little bit come to think of it.
>> Just put it where it's looking for it ;)
> I'll try as mentioned above. If that doesn't help, I'll move it around.

It is installed in c:\msys\1.0\share.
I copied everything to c:\msys\share.

But I still get the same error. When I try to access /msys from within 
the msys shell window, I also get an error. I actually have to do 
/c/msys to get there. But I just can't find where the path is coded...

>>> Mo: during compilation, I get many errors concerning unfindable
>>> libz.dll.1.2.3; apparently program tries to launch db.*  grass exe files
>>> such as db.columns, etc during compilation. Don't know why.
>>> After copying all files from c:\forgrass\lib to
>>> c:\grasssrc\grass6\dist*\lib no more error messages during compilation.
>>> You mention copying these after compilation. What am I doing wrong ?
>> Just make sure c:\forgrass\lib is in your PATH before you start compiling
>> and it should be fine. I copy them after compilation just to have
>> everything self-contained for distributing it to others. As long as the
>> DLLs are on your system and in the PATH everything should work.
> Ok, will try that.

Works with c:\forgrass\lib and c:\forgrass\bin in the path.

>> Also you need to change man/Makefile so it doesn't convert the HTML pages
>> to man. The Makefile should be conditionalised so this is dependent on
>> Perl being installed. Will look at it later.
> Yes, saw an error on that. Will try to figure out how to change the makefile.

I haven't really found out how to change this. Currently the Makefile 

# some definitions
SECT = 1
MANDIR  = $(GISBASE)/man/man$(SECT)
HTMLDIR = $(GISBASE)/docs/html

MANPAGES := $(patsubst $(HTMLDIR)/%.html,$(MANDIR)/%.$(SECT),$(wildcard 

default: $(MANDIR) $(MANPAGES)

         $(MKDIR) $(MANDIR)

$(MANDIR)/%.$(SECT): $(HTMLDIR)/%.html
         $(HTML2MAN) $< $@ $(SECT)

The problem is in the last line where g.html2man is called. just 
commenting out the last line doesn't seem to work:

mkdir -p /c/grasssrc/grass6/dist.i686-pc-mingw32/man/man1
make[1]: *** No rule to make target 
`/c/grasssrc/grass6/dist.i686-pc-mingw32/man/man1/d.ask.1', needed by 
`default'.  Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/c/grasssrc/grass6/man'
make: *** [default] Error 2

Other than that I get a running binary which I can launch from within 
msys. Launching it with grass63.bat does not seem to work. I don't get 
the startup screen and I get a message about g.dirsep not being found.

The msys version seems to work quite well (just some basic testing) with 
  one major problem being the lack of dbf driver support because of the 
bison problem mentioned above...

Getting closer ;-)


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