[GRASS5] [bug #4029] (grass) error in new gis.m
Michael Barton
michael.barton at asu.edu
Sun Jan 22 02:08:59 EST 2006
Thanks for spotting this. It apparently cropped up in a fix of another
sticky problem on Friday.
I can't put it into the CVS from home, and so won't be able to do it until
Monday. In the meantime, here is the fixed version of the offending file for
anyone who wants to try it.
Just put this into $GISBASE/etc/gm and replace the existing version.
On 1/21/06 4:31 AM, "Request Tracker" <grass-bugs at intevation.de> wrote:
> this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=4029
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: error in new gis.m
> Platform: GNU/Linux/x86
> grass obtained from: CVS
> grass binary for platform: Compiled from Sources
> GRASS Version: CVS 6.1 checked out at 20060121
> in the monitor of the new gis.m module, if I try to use the tools MEASURE or
> QUERY i got the following error :
> can't read "linex2": no such variable
> can't read "linex2": no such variable
> while executing
> "$can($mon) create line $linex1 $liney1 $linex2 $liney2 -fill green -arrow
> both -width 2"
> (procedure "mapcan::measure" line 9)
> invoked from within
> "mapcan::measure 1"
> (command bound to event)
> and with tool PAN
> can't read "to_x": no such variable
> can't read "to_x": no such variable
> while executing
> "scrx2mape $to_x"
> (procedure "mapcan::pan" line 11)
> invoked from within
> "mapcan::pan $mon"
> (command bound to event)
> this makes the whole thing quite unusable. in the next days i'm trying to
> stress this new module as much as possible, I think it's a good step forward a
> friendly GUI.
> -------------------------------------------- Managed by Request Tracker
Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287
WWW - http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton
Phone: 480-965-6262
Fax: 480-965-7671
-------------- next part --------------
# MapCanvas.tcl
# TclTk canvas display monitors and display controls
# for GIS Manager: GUI for GRASS 6
# Author: Michael Barton (Arizona State University)
# January 2006
# COPYRIGHT: (C) 1999 - 2006 by the GRASS Development Team
# This program is free software under the GNU General Public
# License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
# for details.
source $gmpath/maptool.tcl
source $gmpath/gmtree.tcl
source $env(GISBASE)/etc/gtcltk/gmsg.tcl
source $env(GISBASE)/etc/gtcltk/select.tcl
source $env(GISBASE)/etc/gui.tcl
set bgcolor HoneyDew2
namespace eval mapcan {
variable array can # mon
variable array mapcan # mon
variable array canvas_w # mon
variable array canvas_h # mon
global array canvas_w # mon
global array canvas_h # mon
variable array tree # mon
variable cmstatus
set initwd 640
set initht 480
set east 0
set north 0
image create photo mapimg.$mon
# Create window and canvas for display
proc mapcan::create { } {
global gmpath
global bgcolor
global outtext
global env
global initwd
global initht
global east
global north
global coords
global mapframe
global b1east b1north
global tree_pane
global mon
global win
global currmon
global canvas_w
global canvas_h
variable mapcan
variable can
# variable tree
# Initialize window and map geometry
set canvas_w($mon) $initwd
set canvas_h($mon) $initht
set env(GRASS_WIDTH) $initwd
set env(GRASS_HEIGHT) $initht
set win ""
# Create canvas monitor as top level mainframe
toplevel .mapcan($mon)
set mapframe [MainFrame .mapcan($mon).mapframe \
-background $bgcolor -textvariable mapcan::status ]
# toolbar creation
set map_tb [$mapframe addtoolbar]
MapToolBar::create $map_tb
# canvas creation
set can($mon) [canvas $mapframe.can \
-background #ffffff -borderwidth 0 -closeenough 1.0 \
-insertbackground black -relief ridge -selectbackground #c4c4c4 \
-selectforeground black -width $canvas_w($mon) -height $canvas_h($mon) ]
# setting geometry
place $mapframe.can \
-in $mapframe -x 0 -y 0 -anchor nw \
-bordermode ignore
set mapcan::status \
"geographic coordinates under cursor (east north)"
$mapframe showstatusbar $mapcan::status
pack $map_tb -expand yes -fill both -anchor nw -side top
pack $mapframe.can -fill both -expand yes -anchor nw -side top
pack $mapframe -expand yes -fill both -ipadx 0 -ipady 0
set fon [font create -family Verdana -size 12 ]
DynamicHelp::configure -font $fon -background yellow
mapcan::coordconv $mon
# bindings for display canvas
set currmon $mon
# mouse handlers
bind $can($mon) <ButtonPress-1> {
global mon b1east b1north win
global currmon
variable tree
set winx [winfo pointerx .]
set winy [winfo pointery .]
set win [winfo containing $winx $winy]
regexp -nocase {.*\((\d*)(\).*)} $win win1 currmon win2
#set mon $currmon
set b1east [mapcan::scrx2mape %x]
set b1north [mapcan::scry2mapn %y]
if { $mon ne $currmon } {
GmTree::switchpage $currmon
set currmon $mon
bind $mapframe <ButtonPress-1> {
global mon b1east b1north win
global currmon
variable tree
set winx [winfo pointerx .]
set winy [winfo pointery .]
set win [winfo containing $winx $winy]
regexp -nocase {.*\((\d*)(\).*)} $win win1 currmon win2
#set mon $currmon
if { $mon != $currmon } {
GmTree::switchpage $currmon
set currmon $mon
bind .mapcan($mon) <ButtonPress-1> {
global mon b1east b1north win
global currmon
variable tree
set winx [winfo pointerx .]
set winy [winfo pointery .]
set win [winfo containing $winx $winy]
regexp -nocase {.*\((\d*)(\).*)} $win win1 currmon win2
#set mon $currmon
if { $mon != $currmon } {
GmTree::switchpage $currmon
set mon $currmon
bind $can($mon) <Motion> {
set scrxmov %x
set scrymov %y
set eastcoord [eval mapcan::scrx2mape %x]
set northcoord [eval mapcan::scry2mapn %y]
set coords "$eastcoord $northcoord"
# indicator creation
set map_ind [$mapframe addindicator -textvariable coords \
-width 25 -justify left -padx 15]
# window configuration change handler for resizing
bind $can($mon) <Configure> {
global canvas_w
global canvas_h
set canvas_w($mon) %w
set canvas_h($mon) %h
regexp -nocase {.*\((\d*)(\).*)} $win win1 currmon win2
set mon $currmon
update idletasks
after cancel mapcan::do_resize $mon
after idle mapcan::do_resize $mon
bind $mapframe <Configure> {
global canvas_w
global canvas_h
set canvas_w($mon) %w
set canvas_h($mon) %h
regexp -nocase {.*\((\d*)(\).*)} $win win1 currmon win2
set mon $currmon
bind .mapcan($mon) <Configure> {
global canvas_w
global canvas_h
set canvas_w($mon) %w
set canvas_h($mon) %h
regexp -nocase {.*\((\d*)(\).*)} $win win1 currmon win2
set mon $currmon
# coordinate conversions for moving mouse pointer
proc mapcan::coordmov { mon } {
global winxmov winymov coords
global scrxmov scrymov
variable mapcan
variable can
set eastcoord [eval mapcan::scrx2mape $scrxmov]
set northcoord [eval mapcan::scry2mapn $scrymov]
set coords "$eastcoord $northcoord"
# map display procedures
# set up map geometry
proc mapcan::mapsettings { mon } {
global outtext
global env
global gmpath
global mapimg.$mon
global gisdbase
global location_name
global mapset
variable mapcan
variable can
global canvas_h
global canvas_w
set monregion "$gisdbase/$location_name/$mapset/windows/mon_$mon"
if {[file exists $monregion] } {
set cmd "g.region region=mon_$mon"
runcmd $cmd
} else {
set cmd "g.region save=mon_$mon --o"
runcmd $cmd
if ![catch {open "|g.region -g" r} input] {
while {[gets $input line] >= 0} {
regexp -nocase {n=(.*)} $line n1 map_n
regexp -nocase {^s=(.*)} $line s1 map_s
regexp -nocase {e=(.*)} $line e1 map_e
regexp -nocase {w=(.*)} $line w1 map_w
set mapwd [expr abs(1.0 * ($map_e - $map_w))]
set mapht [expr abs(1.0 * ($map_n - $map_s))]
if { [expr $canvas_h($mon) / $canvas_w($mon)] > [expr $mapht / $mapwd] } {
set mapdispht [expr 1.0 * $canvas_w($mon) * $mapht / $mapwd]
set mapdispwd $canvas_w($mon)
} else {
set mapdispht $canvas_h($mon)
set mapdispwd [expr 1.0 * $canvas_h($mon) * $mapwd / $mapht]
set env(GRASS_WIDTH) $mapdispwd
set env(GRASS_HEIGHT) $mapdispht
set env(GRASS_PNGFILE) "dispmon_$mon.ppm"
# draw map using png driver and open in canvas
proc mapcan::drawmap { mon } {
global outtext
global env
global gmpath
global mapimg.$mon
global mapset
variable mapcan
variable can
global canvas_w
global canvas_h
$outtext delete 1.0 end
if ![catch {open "|d.mon -L" r} input] {
while {[gets $input line] >= 0} {
if {[regexp "^PNG.*not running" $line]} {
run "d.mon start=PNG"
} elseif {[regexp "^PNG.* running" $line]} {
runcmd "d.frame -e"
GmGroup::display "root"
runcmd "d.mon stop=PNG"
$can($mon) create image 0 0 -anchor nw \
-image [image create photo mapimg.$mon -file "dispmon_$mon.ppm" ] \
-tag map$mon
mapcan::coordconv $mon
proc mapcan::do_resize {mon} {
global canvas_w
global canvas_h
variable can
mapcan::coordconv $mon
$can($mon) delete map$mon
mapcan::mapsettings $mon
mapcan::drawmap $mon
# erase to white
proc mapcan::erase { mon } {
variable mapcan
variable can
$can($mon) delete map$mon
# zoom to default region
proc mapcan::zoom_default { mon } {
variable can
global canvas_h
global canvas_w
run "g.region save=previous_zoom --o"
set cmd "g.region -d save=mon_$mon --o"
run_panel $cmd
$can($mon) delete map$mon
mapcan::mapsettings $mon
mapcan::drawmap $mon
# zoom to saved region
proc mapcan::zoom_region { mon } {
variable can
global canvas_h
global canvas_w
set reg [GSelect windows]
if { $reg != "" } {
run "g.region save=previous_zoom --o"
set cmd "g.region region=$reg save=mon_$mon --o"
run_panel $cmd
$can($mon) delete map$mon
mapcan::mapsettings $mon
mapcan::drawmap $mon
# procedures for interactive zooming in and zooming out
# zoom bindings
proc mapcan::zoombind { mon zoom } {
variable can
global mapcursor
set mapcursor [$can($mon) cget -cursor]
bind $can($mon) <2> ""
bind $can($mon) <3> ""
bind $can($mon) <1> {
mapcan::markzoom $mon %x %y
mapcan::setcursor $mon "plus"
bind $can($mon) <B1-Motion> "mapcan::drawzoom $mon %x %y"
bind $can($mon) <ButtonRelease-1> "mapcan::zoomregion $mon $zoom"
# start zoom rectangle
proc mapcan::markzoom {mon x y} {
global areaX1 areaY1
variable can
set areaX1 [$can($mon) canvasx $x]
set areaY1 [$can($mon) canvasy $y]
$can($mon) delete area
# draw zoom rectangle
proc mapcan::drawzoom { mon x y } {
variable can
global areaX1 areaY1 areaX2 areaY2
set xc [$can($mon) canvasx $x]
set yc [$can($mon) canvasy $y]
if {($areaX1 != $xc) && ($areaY1 != $yc)} {
$can($mon) delete area
$can($mon) addtag area withtag \
[$can($mon) create rect $areaX1 $areaY1 $xc $yc \
-outline yellow -width 2]
set areaX2 $xc
set areaY2 $yc
# zoom region
proc mapcan::zoomregion { mon zoom } {
variable can
global canvas_h
global canvas_w
global areaX1 areaY1 areaX2 areaY2
# get region extents
if ![catch {open "|g.region -g" r} input] {
while {[gets $input line] >= 0} {
regexp -nocase {n=(.*)} $line n1 map_n
regexp -nocase {^s=(.*)} $line s1 map_s
regexp -nocase {e=(.*)} $line e1 map_e
regexp -nocase {w=(.*)} $line w1 map_w
# get zoom rectangle extents in canvas coordinates
if { $areaX2 > $areaX1 } {
set cleft $areaX1
set cright $areaX2
} else {
set cright $areaX1
set cleft $areaX2
if { $areaY2 > $areaY1 } {
set ctop $areaY1
set cbottom $areaY2
} else {
set cbottom $areaY1
set ctop $areaY2
# get zoom rectangle extents in map coordinates
set north [scry2mapn $ctop]
set south [scry2mapn $cbottom]
set east [scrx2mape $cright]
set west [scrx2mape $cleft]
# zoom in
if { $zoom == 1 } {
run "g.region save=previous_zoom --o"
set cmd "g.region n=$north s=$south \
e=$east w=$west save=mon_$mon --o"
run $cmd
#zoom out
if { $zoom == -1 } {
set upnorth [expr $map_n + abs($map_n - $north)]
set downsouth [expr $map_s - abs($south - $map_s)]
set backeast [expr $map_e + abs($map_e - $east)]
set outwest [expr $map_w - abs($west - $map_w)]
run "g.region save=previous_zoom --o"
set cmd "g.region n=$upnorth s=$downsouth \
e=$backeast w=$outwest save=mon_$mon --o"
run $cmd
# redraw map
$can($mon) delete map$mon
$can($mon) delete area
mapcan::mapsettings $mon
mapcan::drawmap $mon
# release bindings
bind $can($mon) <1> ""
bind $can($mon) <B1-Motion> ""
bind $can($mon) <ButtonRelease-1> ""
mapcan::restorecursor $mon
# reinitialize zoom rectangle corners
set areaX1 0
set areaY1 0
set areaX2 0
set areaY2 0
# zoom back
proc mapcan::zoom_back { mon } {
variable can
global canvas_h
global canvas_w
set cmd "g.region region=previous_zoom save=mon_$mon --o"
runcmd $cmd
$can($mon) delete map$mon
mapcan::mmapsettings $mon
mapcan::drawmap $mon
#procedures for panning
# pan bindings
proc mapcan::panbind { mon } {
variable can
global mapcursor
set mapcursor [$can($mon) cget -cursor]
bind $can($mon) <2> ""
bind $can($mon) <3> ""
mapcan::setcursor $mon "hand2"
bind $can($mon) <1> {mapcan::startpan $mon %x %y}
bind $can($mon) <B1-Motion> {mapcan::dragpan $mon %x %y}
bind $can($mon) <ButtonRelease-1> {
mapcan::pan $mon
mapcan::restorecursor $mon
proc mapcan::startpan {mon x y} {
global start_x start_y
global from_x from_y
variable can
set start_x [$can($mon) canvasx $x]
set start_y [$can($mon) canvasy $y]
set from_x $start_x
set from_y $start_y
proc mapcan::dragpan {mon x y} {
global start_x start_y
global to_x to_y
variable can
set to_x [$can($mon) canvasx $x]
set to_y [$can($mon) canvasy $y]
$can($mon) move current [expr {$to_x-$start_x}] [expr {$to_y-$start_y}]
set start_y $to_y
set start_x $to_x
proc mapcan::pan { mon } {
global from_x from_y
global to_x to_y
variable can
global canvas_h
global canvas_w
# get map coordinate shift
set from_e [scrx2mape $from_x]
set from_n [scry2mapn $from_y]
set to_e [scrx2mape $to_x]
set to_n [scry2mapn $to_y]
# get region extents
if ![catch {open "|g.region -g" r} input] {
while {[gets $input line] >= 0} {
regexp -nocase {n=(.*)} $line n1 map_n
regexp -nocase {^s=(.*)} $line s1 map_s
regexp -nocase {e=(.*)} $line e1 map_e
regexp -nocase {w=(.*)} $line w1 map_w
# set new region extents
set north [expr $map_n - ($to_n - $from_n)]
set south [expr $map_s - ($to_n - $from_n)]
set east [expr $map_e - ($to_e - $from_e)]
set west [expr $map_w - ($to_e - $from_e)]
# reset region and redraw map
run "g.region save=previous_zoom --o"
set cmd "g.region n=$north s=$south \
e=$east w=$west save=mon_$mon --o"
run $cmd
$can($mon) delete map$mon
mapcan::mapsettings $mon
mapcan::drawmap $mon
# unbind events
bind $can($mon) <1> ""
bind $can($mon) <B1-Motion> ""
bind $can($mon) <ButtonRelease-1> ""
proc mapcan::setcursor { mon ctype } {
global mapcursor
variable can
$can($mon) configure -cursor $ctype
proc mapcan::restorecursor {mon} {
global mapcursor
variable can
$can($mon) configure -cursor $mapcursor
# procedures for measuring
# measurement bindings
proc mapcan::measurebind { mon } {
variable can
global mlength totmlength dtxt
global mapcursor
global linex1 liney1 linex2 liney2
set mapcursor [$can($mon) cget -cursor]
bind $can($mon) <2> ""
bind $can($mon) <1> "mapcan::markmline $mon %x %y"
bind $can($mon) <B1-Motion> "mapcan::drawmline $mon %x %y"
bind $can($mon) <ButtonRelease-1> "mapcan::measure $mon"
bind $can($mon) <3> "mapcan::stopmeasure $mon"
if { ![winfo exists .dispout]} {Gm::create_disptxt $mon}
$dtxt insert end "Use mouse (L button) to draw measurement line\n"
$dtxt insert end "Press right mouse button to end measurement\n\n"
$dtxt yview end
catch {cmd_output $fh}
set mlength 0
set totmlength 0
# start measurement line
proc mapcan::markmline {mon x y} {
global linex1 liney1 linex2 liney2
variable can
# create window for measurement output
# put some code here
mapcan::setcursor $mon "plus"
#start line
if { ![info exists linex1] } {
set linex1 [$can($mon) canvasx $x]
set liney1 [$can($mon) canvasy $y]
$can($mon) delete mline
# draw measurement line
proc mapcan::drawmline { mon x y } {
variable can
global linex1 liney1 linex2 liney2
set xc [$can($mon) canvasx $x]
set yc [$can($mon) canvasy $y]
# draw line segment
if {($linex1 != $xc) && ($liney1 != $yc)} {
$can($mon) delete mline
$can($mon) addtag mline withtag \
[$can($mon) create line $linex1 $liney1 $xc $yc \
-fill red -arrow both -width 2]
set linex2 $xc
set liney2 $yc
# measure line length
proc mapcan::measure { mon } {
variable can
global linex1 liney1 linex2 liney2
global mlength totmlength
global dtxt
# draw cumulative line
$can($mon) addtag totmline withtag \
[$can($mon) create line $linex1 $liney1 $linex2 $liney2 \
-fill green -arrow both -width 2]
# get line endpoints in map coordinates
set east1 [scrx2mape $linex1]
set north1 [scry2mapn $liney1]
set east2 [scrx2mape $linex2]
set north2 [scry2mapn $liney2]
# calculate line segment length and total length
set mlength [expr sqrt(pow(($east1 - $east2), 2) + pow(($north1 - $north2), 2))]
set totmlength [expr $totmlength + $mlength]
$dtxt insert end " --segment length\t= $mlength\n"
$dtxt insert end "cumulative length\t= $totmlength\n"
$dtxt yview end
catch {cmd_output $fh}
set linex1 $linex2
set liney1 $liney2
# end measurement
proc mapcan::stopmeasure { mon } {
variable can
global linex1 liney1 linex2 liney2
global mlength totmlength
# delete measurement line
$can($mon) delete mline
$can($mon) delete totmline
unset linex1
unset liney1
unset linex2
unset liney2
#destroy measurement window
#put some code here
# release bindings
bind $can($mon) <1> ""
bind $can($mon) <2> ""
bind $can($mon) <B1-Motion> ""
bind $can($mon) <ButtonRelease-1> ""
bind $can($mon) <3> ""
mapcan::restorecursor $mon
# procedures for querying
# query bindings
proc mapcan::querybind { mon } {
global dtxt
global stop
global map_ew
global map_ns
global scr_ew
global scr_ns
global vdist
global type
global options
global mapname
global selected
global mapcursor
variable tree
variable can
# set query 'snapping' distance to 10 screen pixels
set vdist [expr 10* ($map_ew / $scr_ew) ]
if { ![winfo exists .dispout]} {Gm::create_disptxt $mon}
set mapcursor [$can($mon) cget -cursor]
$dtxt insert end "Use mouse (L button) to query features\n"
$dtxt insert end "Press right mouse button to stop query session\n\n"
$dtxt yview end
bind $can($mon) <1> {
mapcan::startquery $mon %x %y
mapcan::setcursor $mon "crosshair"
bind $can($mon) <3> {mapcan::stopquery $mon}
# query
proc mapcan::startquery { mon x y } {
global stop
global vdist
variable tree
variable can
set east [scrx2mape $x]
set north [scry2mapn $y]
# get currently selected map for querying
set tree($mon) $GmTree::tree($mon)
set sel [ lindex [$tree($mon) selection get] 0 ]
if { $sel == "" } { return }
set type [GmTree::node_type $sel]
switch $type {
raster {
set mapname [GmRaster::mapname $sel]
if { $mapname == "" } {
$dtxt insert end "You must select a map to query\n"
$dtxt yview end
catch {cmd_output $fh}
set cmd "r.what -f input=$mapname east_north=$east,$north\n\n"
vector {
set mapname [GmVector::mapname $sel]
GmRaster::mapname $sel
if { $mapname == "" } {
$dtxt insert end "You must select a map to query\n"
$dtxt yview end
catch {cmd_output $fh}
set cmd "v.what -a map=$mapname east=$east north=$north distance=$vdist\n\n"
rgbhis {
set mapname [GmRgbhis::mapname $sel]
if { $mapname == "" } {
$dtxt insert end "You must select a map to query\n"
$dtxt yview end
catch {cmd_output $fh}
set cmd "r.what -f input=$mapname east_north=$east,$north\n\n"
dframe {
chart {
thematic {
puts "mapname is $mapname"
run_panel $cmd
# query
proc mapcan::stopquery { mon } {
global stop x y east north
variable can
# release bindings
bind $can($mon) <1> ""
bind $can($mon) <3> ""
mapcan::restorecursor $mon
# print to eps file
proc mapcan::printcanvas { mon } {
variable mapcan
variable can
$can($mon) postscript -file "map$mon.eps"
# Set up initial variables for screen to map conversion
proc mapcan::coordconv { mon } {
global map_n
global map_s
global map_e
global map_w
global map_ew
global map_ns
global scr_n
global scr_s
global scr_e
global scr_w
global scr_ew
global scr_ns
global map2scrx_conv
global map2scry_conv
global mapframe.can
global mapimg.$mon
variable can
global canvas_w
global canvas_h
# get current map coordinates from g.region
if ![catch {open "|g.region -g" r} input] {
while {[gets $input line] >= 0} {
regexp -nocase {n=(.*)} $line n1 map_n
regexp -nocase {^s=(.*)} $line s1 map_s
regexp -nocase {e=(.*)} $line e1 map_e
regexp -nocase {w=(.*)} $line w1 map_w
# calculate dimensions
set map_n [expr 1.0*($map_n)]
set map_s [expr 1.0*($map_s)]
set map_e [expr 1.0*($map_e)]
set map_w [expr 1.0*($map_w)]
set map_ew [expr $map_e - $map_w]
set map_ns [expr $map_n - $map_s]
# get current screen geometry
if { [info exists "mapimg.$mon"] } {
set scr_ew [image width "mapimg.$mon"]
set scr_ns [image height "mapimg.$mon"]
set scr_e [image width "mapimg.$mon"]
set scr_s [image height "mapimg.$mon"]
} else {
set scr_ew $canvas_w($mon)
set scr_ns $canvas_h($mon)
set scr_e $canvas_w($mon)
set scr_s $canvas_h($mon)
set scr_n 0.0
set scr_w 0.0
# calculate conversion factors. Note screen is from L->R, T->B but map
# is from L->R, B->T
set map2scrx_conv [expr $scr_ew / $map_ew]
set map2scry_conv [expr $scr_ns / $map_ns]
# calculate screen dimensions and offsets
if { $map2scrx_conv > $map2scry_conv } {
set map2scrx_conv $map2scry_conv
} else {
set map2scry_conv $map2scrx_conv
# screen to map and map to screen conversion procedures
# map north to screen y
proc mapcan::mapn2scry { north } {
global map_n
global scr_n
global map2scry_conv
return [expr $scr_n + (($map_n - $north) * $map2scry_conv)]
# map east to screen x
proc mapcan::mape2scrx { east } {
global map_w
global scr_w
global map2scrx_conv
return [expr $scr_w + (($east - $map_w) * $map2scrx_conv)]
# screen y to map north
proc mapcan::scry2mapn { y } {
global map_n
global scr_n
global map2scry_conv
return [expr $map_n - (($y - $scr_n) / $map2scry_conv)]
# screen x to map east
proc mapcan::scrx2mape { x } {
global map_w
global scr_w
global map2scrx_conv
return [expr $map_w + (($x - $scr_w) / $map2scrx_conv)]
# transform window x to canvas x
proc winx2canx { x } {
global mon
variable can
return [$can($mon) canvasx x]
# cleanup procedure on closing window
proc mapcan::cleanup { mon } {
global pgs
$pgs delete "page_$mon"
runcmd "g.mremove -f region=mon_$mon >/dev/null"
destroy mon
wm geom . [wm geom .]
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