[GRASS5] [bug #3991] (grass) r.topmodel: elaborate on r.fill.dir, r.topidx and r.mapcalc

Maciek Sieczka werchowyna at epf.pl
Mon Jan 30 16:05:18 EST 2006

OK, here's my patch for grass6/raster/r.topmodel/description.html.
Attached (I recall that's the way Grass devs prefer, ?).

Generated according to http://grass.itc.it/devel/index.php.
Like I said, this is my first html attempt ever. I hope I have learned
enough first not to make any mess :).


Szukasz do?wiadczonej firmy poligraficznej? Zale?y Ci na terminowo?ci i atrakcyjnych cenach?
Zapraszamy do nas!
-------------- next part --------------
Index: description.html
RCS file: /home/grass/grassrepository/grass6/raster/r.topmodel/description.html,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -r1.6 description.html
--- description.html	28 Jan 2006 07:53:05 -0000	1.6
+++ description.html	30 Jan 2006 20:58:13 -0000
@@ -16,26 +16,36 @@
 <H3>Selected Parameters:</H3>
-<DD>[depressionless] map is created as follows:
+<DT><B>depressionless</B> map is created as follows:</DT>
 r.fill.dir input=elevation elev=depressionless dir=direction type=grass
-This option can be omitted if [elevation] map is already depressionless.</DD>
+This option can be omitted if [elevation] map is already depressionless.
-<DD>[belevation] map will be created from [elevation] with [basin] mask applied.
+<DT><B>belevation</B> map is created from [elevation] with [basin] mask applied:</DT>
 r.mapcalc "belevation = if(basin == 0 || isnull(basin), null(), elevation)"
+<DT><B>topidx</B> map is created as follows:</DT>
+r.topidx input=elevation output=topidx
 <DD>Compare simulated flows with observed flows and calculate model
 <H2>SEE ALSO</H2>
+<EM><A HREF="r.fill.dir.html">r.fill.dir</A></EM>,
+<EM><A HREF="r.mapcalc.html">r.mapcalc</A></EM>,
 <EM><A HREF="r.topidx.html">r.topidx</A></EM>,
 <EM><A HREF="http://geni.ath.cx/r.topmodel.html">How to run r.topmodel</A>

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