[GRASS-dev] New OpenGL options to test for native Mac and Win NVIZ

Michael Barton michael.barton at asu.edu
Wed Jul 19 21:24:51 EDT 2006

OK. Glad to hear that the issues I reported are reproducible. That's a good
start to figuring out what's what. Thanks for all the work on nviz for  Mac.
I'm waiting to buy a MacBook Pro until these are worked out, because GRASS
is important to my research.

If you haven't checked out the GUI recently, you should do so. I use the
command line for some stuff, but TclTk can be quite nice with an
understanding of how it works. And it looks good in the aqua version for
Mac. I'm guessing that, at least at first, switching to wxPython will do
more 'under the hood' of the GUI than change the overall look/feel a lot.

Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Arizona State University

phone: 480-965-6213
fax: 480-965-7671
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton

> From: William Kyngesburye <woklist at kyngchaos.com>
> Reply-To: William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos at kyngchaos.com>
> Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2006 20:09:04 -0500
> To: Michael Barton <michael.barton at asu.edu>
> Cc: <grass-dev at grass.itc.it>
> Subject: Re: [GRASS-dev] New OpenGL options to test for native Mac and Win
> I brought home the PowerBook to test NVIZ.  Indeed, some problems.
> On Jul 18, 2006, at 2:19 PM, Michael Barton wrote:
>> William,
>> Here is an update.
>> I downloaded and installed your Mac binaries and all supporting
>> libraries. I
>> even installed your tcltk 8.4.13 to override the Active States
>> version I had
>> installed.
>> -Changing tcltk does not affect nviz running in the version of
>> GRASS I'm
>> compiling from the cvs.
>  From Glynn's comment today, this is right - NVIZ is C linked to the
> Tcl/Tk libraries, so it will use whichever Tcl/Tk it was linked
> against at build time.  So it's not affected by GRASS_TCLSH or
>> -Your binaries won't display any maps on my system, but they will run
>> nviz...sort of. The normal map display bombs somehow with the gism PNG
>> driver not getting selected. My guess is that somehow the following
>> line is
>> not working in your binaries on my system...
>>     set env(MONITOR_OVERRIDE) "gism"
> I also get an error starting gis.m:
> child process exited abnormally
> child process exited abnormally
>      while executing
> "exec -- d.font romans >& /dev/null"
>      ("eval" body line 1)
>      invoked from within
> "eval exec -- $cmd $args >& /dev/null"
>      (procedure "run" line 6)
>      invoked from within
> "run d.font romans"
>      ("eval" body line 1)
>      invoked from within
> "eval run $cmd $args"
>      (procedure "runcmd" line 6)
>      invoked from within
> "runcmd "d.font romans""
>      (procedure "MapCanvas::runprograms" line 25)
>      invoked from within
> "MapCanvas::runprograms $mon [expr {$mymodified != 0}]"
>      (procedure "MapCanvas::drawmap" line 43)
>      invoked from within
> "MapCanvas::drawmap $mon"
>      (procedure "MapCanvas::display_server" line 9)
>      invoked from within
> "MapCanvas::display_server"
>      ("after" script)
> After clicking thru the error, no maps will display.
> BUT, gis.m (same universal build of GRASS) DOES work on my MacBook.
> I suspect there is a cross-compiler build error here.  Now that I
> think about it, the font part of building GRASS is one place I had to
> fiddle with things - make wants to run a program to process the
> fonts... hm, maybe an endian thing.  I'll have to check that out.
> I suspect if you get a PPC build to work, it'll be fine.  In fact,
> since NVIZ and wish have nothing to do with each other, you can do a
> normal X11 build, but use the Aqua wish when you run the GUI.
>> -nviz partly works. It will display the map it started with. But
>> the file
>> browser doesn't work for loading any new maps (error below). Same for
>> vectors. The map display keeps spreading over the control panels,
>> though
>> this can be fixed by resizing a bit. The color selectors don't work
>> either.
>> Most other controls for rasters seem to work.
> Ah, I see what you mean now.  And that's a nasty wiggling on the
> browser dialog box!  This DID work before.  Something that changed in
> the NVIZ source between my first success (the browser did work and I
> could add other rasters and vectors) and the refinements must have
> broke it (I only tested loading the initial raster after that).
> More to investigate...
> I also noticed the GUI layout problems.  I figured that was a
> separate issue, with the GUI widgets that are drawn natively by OSX
> (like buttons and menus) being a little bigger than in X11.
> -----
> William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos at kyngchaos.com>
> http://www.kyngchaos.com/
> "Oh, look, I seem to have fallen down a deep, dark hole.  Now what
> does that remind me of?  Ah, yes - life."
> - Marvin

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