[GRASS-dev] A portible shell for GRASS 7+ ?

Laurent C. lrntct at gmail.com
Fri Jun 9 08:14:25 EDT 2006

2006/6/9, Wolfgang Zillig <wollez at gmx.net>:
> If I understand correctly, the only limit is the X-server to run Grass
> on native windows?
> Wolfgang

AFAIK, yes. That why a lot of work is made to remplace the actual tool which
need X11, like v.digit and so on. For example, Radim made a qgis-grass
binary for windows which work quite well.

Laurent C. schrieb:
> > 2006/6/9, Wolfgang <wollez at gmx.net <mailto:wollez at gmx.net>>:
> >
> >     Hi all,
> >
> >     I'm not an developer but a user of grass and I'm working on grass
> for
> >     cygwin and I would prefer to get rid of cygwin, because I only need
> it
> >     to run grass. But I don't think the windows command line is
> >     extendable
> >     in a way that it is fully compatible with bash (even if all packages
> >     from gnuwin32 (gnuwin32.sf.net <http://gnuwin32.sf.net>) are
> >     installed). So I would like to have
> >     an alternative shell for grass.
> >
> >     Cheers
> >     Wolfgang
> >
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > Bash isn't in gnuwin32 packages, but it run natively under Windows.
> > http://www.steve.org.uk/Software/bash/
> > <http://www.steve.org.uk/Software/bash/>
> >
> > Laurent
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