[GRASS5] Re: r.in.wms -> Big bugfixes, gdalwarp, and current projection support

Cedric Shock cedricgrass at shockfamily.net
Sun Mar 12 17:49:39 EST 2006


If you have used my r.in.wms or Sören Gebbert's to get data in any format 
other than georeferenced tiff, please discard that data. I calculated the y 
resolution incorrectly in the world files.

Here is a new version of the r.in.wms programs:


* Fixed bug in worldfile creation. Previous non georeferenced data is bad.
* Uses gdalwarp instead of locations and r.proj to project data. Location and 
mapset options have been removed.
* Added option for reprojection method
* Added -p flag to wms.request, r.in.gdalwarp, and r.in.wms. It tells the 
program that the current projection is the same as the source projection and  
to just patch the data together without reprojecting it.
* Interface to wms.download simplified.

These still need to be done:
Make a list of test cases for release testing.
Make good description.html files.

Sören, thanks for all of your help,

-- Cedric Shock

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