[GRASS5] gis.m output change, default tk gui configuration options

Cedric Shock cedricgrass at shockfamily.net
Thu Mar 23 22:28:23 EST 2006


Aside: I'll be away from computers for a week starting Friday afternoon :)

I have committed a couple medium-sized user interface changes to CVS. gis.m 
now has a different run and output interface. The beginning skeleton of an 
options system is being made.

I have committed changes to gis.m so that it uses the shared run and output 
code for output. I also changed around the run user interface a bit. Commands 
run from the menus in gis.m will have their output displayed in the output 

gui.tcl now sources /lib/gtcltk/options.tcl which is installed in 
$GISBASE/etc/gtcltk/. This file sets up color and font options as well as a 
couple miscellaneous global variables. It uses the tk options database. This 
database allows rules to be specified for tk widget options based on the name 
of the option (ex: font), the name of the widget (ex:. .titlelabel), the 
class of the widget (ex: Button), and a few others. These options are applied 
to every widget created after the option is set unless it is overridden by 
the command that creates the widget or a subsequent configure command. This 
leads to a few good programming practices for tcl/tk programmers:

1. Don't set options like -foreground or -background or -font when creating 
widgets, unless theres a really _really_ specific reason to have it that 
color (like it's demonstrating that color).

2. If you want something like a label to look different than everything else 
of that class (other labels) give it a distinctive name, 
like .moduletitlelabel  . If you have a bunch of them give them all the same 
distinctive name. This allows them to have their options controlled  by the 
options database. If this isn't good enough then we'll write a proc for 
handling special classes.

We can make options.tcl look for options files per mapset or user and load 
them after setting the defaults. Eventually we could write a module for 
changing these (after adding color and font selection to gisprompt somehow).


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