[GRASS-dev] Re: [-> 6.1.0 freeze & release?]

Maciek Sieczka werchowyna at epf.pl
Sun May 21 06:38:22 EDT 2006

On Sun, 21 May 2006 17:33:50 +1200
Hamish <hamish_nospam at yahoo.com> wrote:

> > > There's no reason why new modules can't be added during a freeze. 
> > 
> > Sorry to dissent, but in the IT project business for good reasons a
> > freeze is always full freeze with neither change of the existing nor
> > the addition of new things.
> We are blessed with a non-monolithic code base, so addition of a new
> buggy module won't bring down the rest of the system. What it will do
> however is diminish the user's trust in the rest of the system when
> they randomly run into new & buggy parts.

I fully second your last sentence. If we add to this that some bugs are 
continously being not fixed from one major relase to another, Grass may
give bad impression to a fairly new user. Even if those bugs are "only"
minor, their existance may suggest that other Grass components are not
reliable too.

I'm not saying that I'm thinking this way. But I used to, true, and it
took me to dig Grass deep and long to get rid of this superstition.
Not everybody will care to. Sure it's their problem first of all, but we
want Grass to have good press on the other hand.


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