[GRASS-dev] v.in.ogr broken (\w shp)

Brad Douglas rez at touchofmadness.com
Fri Sep 1 12:01:53 EDT 2006

Is there an easy fix for this?  I'm trying to import a shapefile and I'm
not terribly familiar with this part of the GRASS architecture.

GRASS 6.3.cvs (hamilton):~/hamilton > v.in.ogr dsn=. output=roads
Projection of input dataset and current location appear to match.
Proceeding with import...
Layer: 17
DBMI-DBF driver error:
Column 'ADMIN_CLAS' already exists (duplicate name)
Cannot create table.
Error in db_execute_immediate()

ERROR: Cannot create table: create table roads (cat integer, PREFIX
       ( 2 ), NAME varchar ( 30 ), TYPE varchar ( 4 ), SUFFIX varchar
( 2
       ), FCC varchar ( 3 ), FIPS varchar ( 11 ), ID integer, FULL_NAME
       varchar ( 40 ), ADMIN_CLAS varchar ( 40 ), CATEGORY integer,
       ST_CNTY_FI varchar ( 11 ), RD_CLASS varchar ( 4 ), RTE_NUM1
       ( 4 ), RTE_NUM2 varchar ( 4 ), ADMIN_CLAS integer, AREA double
       precision, LEN double precision)
GRASS 6.3.cvs (hamilton):~/hamilton >

Brad Douglas <rez touchofmadness com>                      KB8UYR
Address: 37.493,-121.924 / WGS84    National Map Corps #TNMC-3785

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