[GRASS-dev] Re: SoC 2007

Michael Barton michael.barton at asu.edu
Fri Apr 20 23:40:25 EDT 2007

Grass Addons seems like a good place for this. There is similar development
work going on there currently, ranging from possible new GIS modules to the
new GUI.


On 4/20/07 5:14 AM, "Markus Neteler" <neteler at itc.it> wrote:

> Wolf Bergenheim wrote on 04/20/2007 01:29 PM:
>> On 20.04.2007 13:56, Paul Kelly wrote:
>>> Hello Wolf
>>> On Fri, 20 Apr 2007, Wolf Bergenheim wrote:
>>>> Google does provide space in code.google.com, so I guess we could use
>>>> that, I suppose, but the idea is that the community should also try the
>>>> students' code, during the summer, not only the mentor. But I can live
>>>> with having a grass_soc repository on code.google .com ,and then from
>>>> there I can commit say weekly working versions of the code to the main
>>>> GRASS CVS repository. Would that be OK with you people?
>>> I don't see any reason why the students can't have CVS access so they
>>> can commit directly? When they think the code is ready for testing.
>> Neither do I. Perhaps Markus has some points? And I'm sure that the
>> student's can determine when the code is working and when it is not.
> So far we have been pretty conservative granting CVS write access since
> we have no
> means to restrict the access (unless we move to SVN). We usually see
> what/how a person
> contributes, then grant access.
> There is the GRASS Addons SVN which might be also of interest.
> In general, we should find a viable solution which makes testing easy.
> Helena suggested
> to re-establish a contrib section as it was in GRASS 4.x.
> Overall, after full SVN migration these things should be pretty easy to
> handle.
>>> But I expect it will be further into the summer before there is something
>>> ready to commit and thus a place to collaborate over the initial
>>> prototype is necessary.
>> That is true... and daily commits is something I think is mandatory for
>> the collaboration in SoC, just to be able to track the student progress.
>> So in that light I think that perhaps the code.google.com repository
>> might be the place. Another option I assume could be the addons svn, but
>> I'm not sure if people will like that either since it has also some
>> email commit log thing...
> What is the problem with the email commit log? It's sent to this list:
> http://grass.itc.it/mailman/listinfo/grass-commit-addons
> Who wants can subscribe.
>>> Can other devlopers access the google repository too - I'm thinking of
>>> perhaps discussions on the mailing list when we want to point out
>>> something specific in the code.
>> I think that read access can be given to the whole world. So yeah
>> anybody should be able to get any code from there. I also think that
>> they give a web-access just like in sourceforge.
> We should take care to not spread the code too much around. Otherwise
> connections will get
> lost or at least tedious. Currently we have GRASS-CVS for the "real"
> code and
> GRASS-Addons SVN as breeding site. Isn't that enough? The GRASS-Addons
> SVN is
> publicly readable, with password-controlled write access, web interface
> and own
> commit mailing list.
> Markus
> ------------------
> ITC -> dall'1 marzo 2007 Fondazione Bruno Kessler
> ITC -> since 1 March 2007 Fondazione Bruno Kessler
> ------------------

Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Arizona State University

phone: 480-965-6213
fax: 480-965-7671
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton

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