[GRASS-dev] GRASS and QGIS on Win32, testing etc.

Tim Sutton tim at linfiniti.com
Mon May 21 23:43:47 EDT 2007

Em 21/05/2007, às 17:32, Paul Kelly escreveu:
> IIUC (please correct me if I'm wrong) the QGIS GRASS is not true  
> native Windows GRASS as it relies on Msys being installed to  
> support Unix-isms in the GRASS code? We are currently working on  
> removing many of these in order to get GRASS working reliably on  
> native Windows without any Unix sub-system present.
> I really should install QGIS+GRASS and see exactly what it does  
> though. Can anybody clarify?

Yes it is relying on msys to the grass shell. QGIS grass is compiled  
natively in windows using msys / gcc.



Tim Sutton (QGIS Dude :-)

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