[GRASS-dev] SoC projects to trunk

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 5 22:52:25 EST 2007

Wolf Bergenheim wrote:
> I have now brought the two SoC modules (v.generalize and
> v.net.visibility) to the CVS trunk.

Hi, a few cleanup issues-

Does v.net.visibility have anything to do with the other v.net.* modules, 
or is it just similar in name? As the other v.net.* modules all share vector
network node system (built with v.net), I worry that if v.net.visibility has
nothing to do with this it may cause confusion and v.path.obstacles would be a
better name. As I've not used it yet, I don't know, maybe it does.

I notice on the help page:
 - Still calls it v.path.obstacles in many places
 - A simple screenshot would be nice, using a standard dataset and given
commands so we can reproduce it while learning
 - It would be nice if the examples use a standard sample dataset
 - missing <BR> before "Mentor:"
 - "Last Changed:" needs to be have "$Date$" for the CVS to pick that up

I also notice that indent was run on the module at the same time as other
changes*. For a usable diff history indent changes must be committed on their
own, and with full command line options used, so that it is possible to
recreate and spot errors from new changes. As done it is very hard to follow
what the standardization changes were.  See the SUBMITTING file rule 15.

* http://freegis.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/grass6/vector/v.net.visibility/


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