[GRASS-dev] Wingrass and TclTk

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 5 23:00:56 EST 2007

> > So can we include TclTk and Mysys, if needed, in a single package that
> > allows all of GRASS to run?

Benjamin Ducke wrote:
> Yes, we can.
> I will put together such a "complete" package including these and other
> useful things for GRASS that are currently in the add-on repository.
> That would also include my own GRASS extensions and r.cva (which finally
> seems to run OK on Windows).
> We will then have an all-in-one package for novice users and Moritz can
> still provide a bare-bones version for people that need or want it lean.
> I think this should make everyone happy.

please double check the r.cva license. AFAIK it is not compatible with the GPL
and you can not distribute binary versions of the two together.

Or did you write a GEM framework script that merely provides the user the means
to compile and install r.cva easily?


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