[GRASS-dev] select issue with wingrass

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Sun Nov 18 07:22:11 EST 2007

On Sun, November 11, 2007 01:10, Moritz Lennert wrote:
> On Sat, November 10, 2007 17:37, Michael Barton wrote:
>> We tried installing twice the old way. Then when Isaac had him install
>> the
>> other way, it worked. Isaac said that there were some files preceded by
>> 2
>> dots (i.e., ..file) that *didn't* get copied the first times. He is
>> guessing
>> that there are some Unix files that don't get installed properly under
>> XP
>> by
>> simply opening the zip file and dragging the content. It needs to be
>> completely unzipped.
> Today, I suddenly have seen the problem appear and I don't really
> understand where this comes from:

I have advanced a little bit trying to debug this, although I have no idea
why this has suddenly appeared and wasn't there all the time, and I'm,
therefore, not sure that this is really the origin of the problem.

select.tcl uses both the GISDBASE and MAPSET env variables. However,
neither seem to be defined in wingrass (Init.sh sets them, but Init.bat
doesn't). So I tried the following:

- enter GRASS
- run in tclsh
% set location_path "$env(GISDBASE)/$env(LOCATION_NAME)/'
% set dir "user1"
% set element "vector"
% set path "$location_path/$dir/$element/
% glob -nocomplain $path/*

This returns nothing.
When I set GISDBASE=c:/GRASSDATA (forward slash), it returns the list of
complete paths to all elements.

However, when I set GISDBASE and MAPSET at the command line before
launching gis.m this does not solve the problem of nothing being listed in
the select windows...

The only way to get a list, still is to start gis.m when the working
directory is c:\.

Any hints welcome.


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