R: [GRASS-dev] Re: Building GRASS/QGIS with MSYS

marco.pasetti at alice.it marco.pasetti at alice.it
Tue Feb 5 06:22:28 EST 2008

Thanks Benjamin,
>It's not. In fact, the GDAL developers recommend turning it off for
>MSYS. As a consequence, you have to re-link the GDAL library files
>after successful compilation in order to get shared Win32 DLLs.
>I guess the guide assumes some software to be available in your MSYS
>installation already. Do you require postgresql and python support?
It's a guide bug, I suppose. The guide tells to install postgresql just at the end of msys environment building (after gdal, grass, and other steps...), but it fails!
To correctly build grass I installed postgresql, sqlite and tcl/tk before compiling it.
But, also, the guide tells:
Since Quantum GIS needs GDAL with GRASS support, we need to compile GDAL from source - Paul Kelly's package doesn't include GRASS support in GDAL. The idea is following:
1. compile GDAL without GRASS
2. compile GRASS
3. compile GDAL with GRASS
In step 1 the guide suggests to configure GDAL as follows:
./configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-shared --without-libtool --disable-static --with-libz=/usr/local --with-png=/usr/local
Then it tells:
GDAL build procedure can be greatly simplified to use libtool with a libtool line patch: configure gdal as below:
./configure --with-ngpython --with-xerces=/local/ --with-jasper=/local/ --with-grass=/local/grass-6.3.cvs/ --with-pg=/local/pgsql/bin/pg_config.exe
Then fix libtool with: mv libtool libtool.orig cat libtool.orig | sed 's/max_cmd_len=8192/max_cmd_len=32768/g' > libtool 

Libtool on windows assumes a line length limit of 8192 for some reason and tries to page the linking and fails miserably. This is a work around. Make and make install should be hassle free after this.

Probably last "./configure" and "sed" lines are supposed to be done if you set ./configure --with-libtool in the first step?

So the real question is: does GDAL need ngpython, xerces, jasper and postresql? (I know grass is needed, but the guide suggest to build GDAL first without it, and then rebuild it with grass support enabled).




Da: grass-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org per conto di Benjamin Ducke
Inviato: mar 05/02/2008 11.39
Cc: grass-dev at lists.osgeo.org
Oggetto: Re: [GRASS-dev] Re: Building GRASS/QGIS with MSYS

> Now the question: is with-libtool necessary for gdal? because there are

It's not. In fact, the GDAL developers recommend turning it off for
MSYS. As a consequence, you have to re-link the GDAL library files
after successful compilation in order to get shared Win32 DLLs.

> some things not clear to me about this passage.. after building gdal
> level one, it says:
> ./configure --with-ngpython --with-xerces=/local/ --with-jasper=/local/
> --with-grass=/local/grass-6.3.cvs/ --with-pg=/local/pgsql/bin/pg_config.exe
> 1) neither python nor grass and postgresql are install at this step of
> the guide; how could that be? do I really need this "line" and the
> following "sed"?

I guess the guide assumes some software to be available in your MSYS
installation already. Do you require postgresql and python support?

> But also with the following warnings:
> configure: warning: *** Unable to locate iconv() function.
> configure: warning: *** Unable to locate socket() function.
> configure: warning: *** --with-opengl=windows is untested.
> I decided to add Tcl/Tk support to be able to test some new grass
> modules I added before to be "qgis ready";

Those are harmless as long as you don't need internationalized messages

Benjamin Ducke, M.A.
(Archaeoinformation Science)
Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte
(Inst. of Prehistoric and Historic Archaeology)
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Johanna-Mestorf-Straße 2-6
D 24098 Kiel

Tel.: ++49 (0)431 880-3378 / -3379
Fax : ++49 (0)431 880-7300

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