[GRASS-dev] build problems on Mac OS X 10.5.2.

John Kern kernj at kernj.cnc.net
Fri May 9 00:27:32 EDT 2008

Hello William,

Thanks for the prompt reply.  I missed the macosx subdirectory. I will  
read it. Also, your wiki entry (http://www.kyngchaos.com/wiki/software:grass 
) is informative.   I have installed the iPhone SDK.

You're response doesn't acknowledge a key point. The error results in  
the configure script failing.  This check breaks down to a trivial c  
program.  When I extracted it from the configure script(see try.c) and  
compile it as we see in the trace output, it fails. Consider the try.c  

%%% with file extension - no executable

[Macintosh:grass/grass63_release/try] jkern% gcc -o try.dSYM -g -O2  
[Macintosh:grass/grass63_release/try] jkern% ls -l
total 8
-rw-r--r--  1 jkern  staff  171 May  2 16:04 try.c
drwxr-xr-x  3 jkern  staff  102 May  8 18:02 try.dSYM
[Macintosh:grass/grass63_release/try] jkern% ls -R
try.c           try.dSYM


Info.plist      Resources


[Macintosh:grass/grass63_release/try] jkern%

%%%% without the extension - all is well.

[Macintosh:grass/grass63_release/try] jkern% gcc -o try -g -02 try.c
[Macintosh:grass/grass63_release/try] jkern% ls -l
total 40
-rwxr-xr-x  1 jkern  staff  12832 May  8 19:24 try
-rw-r--r--  1 jkern  staff    171 May  2 16:04 try.c
drwxr-xr-x  3 jkern  staff    102 May  8 19:24 try.dSYM

It fails. no executable is generated.  The  check fails too. So, I  
don't think the output file should end with a .dSYM extension. I  
wasn't able to file a document on apple's site detailing the  
generation of the <file>.dSYM directory. Do you know of one?



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