[GRASS-dev] Re: mapsets and locations with spaces on wingrass?

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Wed Oct 15 10:06:31 EDT 2008

andrea antonello wrote:

> > I browsed the native grass package Known Issues, but couldn't find an answer.
> >
> > Does grass on windows have problems with spaces in the mapset or location path?
> >
> > I tried to launch the console mode and it seems to accept the "test
> > location" and "test mapset" entries.
> > When I then do ESC-ENTER, it proposes me to create the mapset "test",
> > which means it doesn't take the full path.

You might have more luck with the GUI startup.

> "If installed into a directory that has spaces in either its name or
> the path of directories leading up to it, some functionalities of
> GRASS might be hampered. We would highly appreciate if you tried and
> reported any problems, so that we can fix them. "
> I suppose that this means that usually at least it can be started, right?
> Is there a list of the hampered functionalities?

No. Most of these issues are trivial to fix once we become aware of
them, so the number of known problems in the current development
version is usually zero. AFAIK, there is no specific list of such
problems which have been fixed since the last release.

> Launching commands from the JGrass prepared environment I get an error
> telling that the filename is illegal because of the < > character,
> which I assume being the space. So the maps are not found and the
> command is not launched.
> Any idea on this?

Any problems with JGrass should be directed to the JGrass developers.

More generally, when reporting bugs, you need to state which version
you were using. You also need to provide enough information for others
to have a reasonable prospect of reproducing the problem (i.e. the
exact commands used and any error messages).

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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