[GRASS-dev] Re: GRASS-dev] gis icons

Michael Barton michael.barton at asu.edu
Sun Jan 4 17:32:29 EST 2009

Robert thanks again for all your work. I look forward to using these  
and future versions of the icon set.


On Jan 4, 2009, at 3:17 PM, Robert Szczepanek wrote:

> Dear Michael,
> I really appreciate your comments. They help me a lot.
>> First, I voted for high-resolution and flat in the survey. The soft  
>> 3D
>> look is really nice, but I worry that it is difficult to see some of
>> the complex iconography. So some of my comments may not apply if you
>> decide to go for higher-def imagery.
> I don't want to go into details, but people are use to explicit  
> explanations. If
> some symbol is simple but new, 95% of users will say "interesting,  
> but put in
> the background flower and bicycle" :)
> Save-open actions is an excellent example. When I tried to simplify  
> it to arrows
> (which are element of traditional icons) and generalized symbol of  
> place/object
> to save, most of comments was in the direction "arrow is OK but add  
> folder
> icon or disk icon or DVD icon". And my point is - we don't have to  
> show one
> specific storage media. This way symbol becomes more scalable.
> But sometimes it is just too hard to simplify.
>> 1. The size of the small action sub-icon in the lower right is fine
>> for simple images like + and -, but it is hard to see more complex
>> ones like redraw and export. Zoom last and zoom more are a bit hard  
>> to
>> see, but easier than redraw and export.
> That is why for blue sub-icons the area is bigger. By 1x1px, but  
> bigger :)
> Maybe I should increase it, but it decreases space for icon itself.
> [to consider]
>> 2. Query would be easier to identify if you put a raster (and maybe
>> vector) pattern under the arrow tip.
> See my initial comments ;)
>> 3. Element-add could use some informative imagery like you did with
>> analyze rather than a box. The GRASS icon in wxPython has a small
>> arrow and legend. Also, it would probably be good to add a north  
>> arrow
>> to the legend icon as this is the only place to get a north arrow  
>> too.
> But 'element' stands for anything (alias nothing).
> North arrow [to consider].
>> 4. I could learn * as new without much difficulty, though I tend to
>> think of it as 'select' for some reason. On the other hand, I can't
>> think of a better image for new.
> I had many problems with 'create'. This is n-th version. I agree it  
> is very
> similar to select/bookmark.
>> 5a. Load and save make perfect sense, but most people are accustomed
>> to a folder rather than your more abstract circle. I'd suggest a big
>> arrow (like you have) and little folder in the lower right, but this
>> goes against your grammar of large item and small action icon. Maybe
>> use your map-export.png idea and have a small down arrow for save,
>> small up arrow for load, and small horizontal arrow (minus the circle
>> as superfluous) for export??
> Just arrow is an interesting option. Or simple box like in sub-icons  
> for save
> and open.
>> 5b. Save-as isn't easy to figure out. Once I know it, I get it, but
>> it's not obvious. Arrow down into a document rather than a crooked
>> down arrow?
> I agree it's not obvious, but I do not like documents/folder in  
> icons. Still
> looking for better sign.
>> 6. Digitizing add various features. A plus is easier to understand
>> right away than a *. This makes grammatical sense: add a boundary  
>> to a
>> vector, etc. It also complements the '-' for delete/remove feature.
> Digitizing you usually create new objects. For me 'create' is not  
> the same as
> 'add' [1]. The same is with delete and remove.
> In other case of course we can use just + and -.
>> 7. The imagery for add command layer is much more understandable than
>> the current "gear", at least for me. But it's too small to see what  
>> it
>> is. How about having the 'terminal' image fill the entire inner  
>> 'layer
>> box' rather than be a 3rd box inside. Also, would black background  
>> and
>> white letters be easier to see and understand as a terminal?
> I almost don't use pure black/white, so contrast in this icon could  
> be too big,
> but I have to test it.
>> 8. Need brighter colors on the otherwise very nice RGB-add (HIS-add  
>> is
>> beautiful).
> Probably my design goes too far into Glamour style :) but I like  
> unsaturated
> colors.
> My goal for this weeks is to finish GRASS icons, but I write down  
> carefully all
> your comments and will test them.
> Thank again for your very detailed description and patience.
> Robert
> [1] http://geoinformatics.fsv.cvut.cz/wiki/index.php
> / 
> Toolbar_icons_for_GIS_applications 
> #Behind_the_scene_.E2.80.93_meaning_of_words_and_symbols

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