[GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS GIS] #1220: Error when creating
vector(areas) from raster
trac at osgeo.org
Mon Nov 22 09:51:23 EST 2010
#1220: Error when creating vector(areas) from raster
Reporter: toyzerocha1980 | Owner: grass-dev@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: blocker | Milestone: 6.4.1
Component: Vector | Version:
Keywords: | Platform: MSWindows XP
Cpu: x86-32 |
Comment(by toyzerocha1980):
Ok I have decided to create/build topology
v.build map=test10 at National error=error10
Coor files of vector map <teste10 at National> is larger than it should be
(99266507 bytes excess)
Building topology for vector map <teste10>...
Registering primitives...
1874449 primitives registered
5317522 vertices registered
Building areas...
601738 areas built
117075 isles built
Attaching islands...
Attaching centroids...
Number of nodes: 1389786
Number of primitives: 1874449
Number of points: 0
Number of lines: 0
Number of boundaries: 1272712
Number of centroids: 601737
Number of areas: 601738
Number of isles: 117075
Number of areas without centroid: 1
Building topology for vector map <error10>...
Registering primitives...
1 primitives registered
5 vertices registered
Building areas...
1 areas built
1 isles built
Attaching islands...
Attaching centroids...
Number of nodes: 1
Number of primitives: 1
Number of points: 0
Number of lines: 0
Number of boundaries: 1
Number of centroids: 0
Number of areas: 1
Number of isles: 1
Number of areas without centroid: 1
(Mon Nov 22 13:54:01 2010) Command finished (1421 sec)
And when I try v.what I get:
Coor files of vector map <teste10 at National> is larger than it should be
(99266507 bytes excess)
Building spatial index...
East: 70680.40267
North: -70979.942188
Map: teste10
Mapset: National
Type: Area
Sq Meters: 1083351106.914
Hectares: 108335.111
Acres: 267701.889
Sq Miles: 418.2842
Layer: 1
Category: 11
Driver: dbf
Database: C:\DWEISdata/Portugal/National/dbf/
Table: teste10
Key column: cat
Cannot open select cursor:<BR>'select * from teste10 where cat = 11'<BR>on
database 'C:\\DWEISdata/Portugal/National/dbf/' by driver 'dbf'<BR>
DBMI-DBF driver error:
Table 'teste10' doesn't exist.
Error in db_open_select_cursor()
Cannot open select cursor
(Mon Nov 22 14:45:19 2010) Command finished (131 sec)
and the following in DOS commandline window
DBMI-DBF driver error:
Table "test10" doesn't exist
GRASS_INFO_ERROR(5452,1): Unable to describe table <test10>
Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/1220#comment:2>
GRASS GIS <http://grass.osgeo.org>
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