[GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #1615: Regression - v.transform fails to create a 3D map, crashes on Windows

GRASS GIS trac at osgeo.org
Sun Aug 26 04:54:41 PDT 2012

#1615: Regression - v.transform fails to create a 3D map, crashes on Windows
 Reporter:  marisn       |       Owner:  grass-dev@…              
     Type:  defect       |      Status:  new                      
 Priority:  major        |   Milestone:  6.4.3                    
Component:  Vector       |     Version:  6.4.2                    
 Keywords:               |    Platform:  Unspecified              
      Cpu:  Unspecified  |  

Comment(by hellik):

 Replying to [comment:8 mmetz]:
 > Replying to [comment:7 mmetz]:
 > >
 > > Fixed in all branches (r52782-4). Please test.
 > There are more fixes in r52791-3. These should fix the previously
 observed crashes and the coor mismatch, it was the by now usual suspect of
 a still open database driver.

 tested here with osgeo4w-wingrass6.4.3svn r52917

 v.transform still crashes here; the coor mismatch remains, but the output
 vector seems to be 3D.

 v.info --verbose map=rm_a_map3d at user1
 D1/3: Vect_open_old(): name = rm_a_map3d at user1 mapset=
 update = 0
 D1/3: Vect_set_thresh(): thresh = 0.000000
 D3/3: dig_init_plus()
 D1/3: dig_spidx_init()
 D3/3: dig_cidx_init()
 D1/3: open format file: 'user1/vector/rm_a_map3d/frmt'
 D1/3: Vector format: 0 (native)
 D1/3: Vect_set_thresh(): thresh = 0.000000
 D1/3: Vect__read_head(): vector = rm_a_map3d at user1
 D1/3: Vect_set_thresh(): thresh = 0.000000
 D1/3: Level request = 0
 D1/3: Vect_open_topo(): name = rm_a_map3d mapset= user1
 D1/3: Topo file for vector 'rm_a_map3d at user1' not available.
 D1/3: Vect_open_old(): vector opened on level 1
 D1/3: Vect_read_dblinks(): map = rm_a_map3d, mapset = user1
 D3/3: Searching for FID column in OGR DB
 D1/3: dbln file:
 D1/3: dbln: 1 rm_a_map3d cat
 D3/3: Field number <1>, name <(null)>
 D3/3: Vect_check_dblink: field 1
 D1/3: field = 1 name = (null), table = rm_a_map3d, key =
 cat, database = $GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/dbf/,
 driver = dbf
 D1/3: Dblinks read
 D1/3: Vect_close(): name = rm_a_map3d, mapset = user1,
 format = 0, level = 1
 D1/3: close history file
 D1/3: Vect_open_old(): name = rm_a_map3d at user1 mapset=
 update = 0
 D1/3: Vect_set_thresh(): thresh = 0.000000
 D3/3: dig_init_plus()
 D1/3: dig_spidx_init()
 D3/3: dig_cidx_init()
 D1/3: open format file: 'user1/vector/rm_a_map3d/frmt'
 D1/3: Vector format: 0 (native)
 D1/3: Vect_set_thresh(): thresh = 0.000000
 D1/3: Vect__read_head(): vector = rm_a_map3d at user1
 D1/3: Vect_set_thresh(): thresh = 0.000000
 D1/3: Level request = 1
 D1/3: V1_open_old_nat(): name = rm_a_map3d mapset = user1
 D2/3: Coor header: file version 5.1 , supported from GRASS
 version 5.1
 D2/3:   byte order 0
 D2/3:   header size 14
 D2/3:   with_z 224
 D2/3:   coor size 0
 D1/3: get coor info:
 D1/3: Info->size = 304, Info->mtime = 1345981666
 D1/3: coor size in head = 0, real coor file size= 304
 Coor-Datei der Vektorkarte <rm_a_map3d at user1> ist größer als sie sein
 sollte (304 Byte zuviel).

  | Layer:           rm_a_map3d at user1
  | Mapset:          user1
  | Location:        nc_spm_08
  | Datenbank:       \grassdata
  | Titel:
  | Maßstab:       1:1
  | Kartenformat:      native
  | Name des Erzeugers: myricaria
  | Organisation:
  | Quelldatum:     Sun Aug 26 13:47:46 2012
  |   Typ der Karte:  Vektor (Level: 1)
  |   Anzahl Punkte:       1               Anzahl Flächen:      0
  |   Anzahl Linien:        0               Anzahl Inseln:    0
  |   Anzhal Grenzen:   0               Anzahl faces:      0
  |   Anzahl Zentroid:    0               Anzahl Kerne:    0
  |   Karte ist 3D:              Yes
  |   Anzahl der dblinks:      1
  |         Projektion: Lambert Conformal Conic
  |               N:   221154.04217658    S:   221154.04217658
  |               E:   635205.84734642    W:   635205.84734642
  |               B:                 0    T:                 0
  |   Digitalisierungs-Schwellwert: 0
  |   Kommentare:
 (Sun Aug 26 13:49:31 2012) Befehl ausgeführt (0 sec)


 v.transform-DEBUG-3-log will be attached.


Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/1615#comment:9>
GRASS GIS <http://grass.osgeo.org>

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