[GRASS-dev] GRASS 6.4.3 release planning

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Thu May 2 05:19:31 PDT 2013

Markus N wrote:
> What's missing,

here's my wish list of things to get done before 6.4.3-final-
all are either almost done, has-a-patch, or should-be-easy:

#1428: still some missing some dlls (were in earlier pkges)

#1727a: (patch in ticket) script-within-script needs scripts/ in %PATH%
#1727b: (now in devbr6 for testing) tcltk stripping C:\ from GISDBASE

#1849: g.proj needs -t flag (as a hack-around) for datum transforms

#1946: (patch in ticket) clean up .svn in demolocation packaging

#1952: package 'more.exe' with msys (pager for g.list)

#1554: either get ps2pdf wrapper working or hardcode the gswin32.exe
 command it calls to get PDF output from the carto composer on wingrass
  (work in progress)

#1936a: Move "Click here to show search module engine" to "Search module"
 tab, freeing up valuable screen real estate for the output text
 window. (rfc)

#1936b: Reword "Protocol" button as "Log file" (strings + docs only)

#854: building addons on Mac (assume we can handle post-release in pkg'ing)

I didn't make it past the first two pages of 6.x tickets, but 25 tickets
able to be closed in the past day is pretty good progress. :)

have a look  
all grass 6 bugs:  https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/report/16
all wingrass bugs: https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/report/14
all wxgui bugs:    https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/report/15


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