[GRASS-dev] g.region -a results in a (slightly) different resolution

Paulo van Breugel p.vanbreugel at gmail.com
Sat Dec 24 01:40:57 PST 2016

On 23-12-16 16:00, Markus Neteler wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 23, 2016 at 3:54 PM, Paulo van Breugel
> <p.vanbreugel at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear devs,
>> As I understand, setting the a flag when defining a region should maintain
>> the original resolution. So when setting different bounds based on a vector
>> layer and with the a flag set, I would expect exactly the same resolution.
> ... I think only, when you also use the res=xxx parameter.
> https://grass.osgeo.org/grass72/manuals/g.region.html#notes
> "With the -a flag all four boundaries are adjusted to be even
> multiples of the resolution, aligning the region to the resolution
> supplied by the user. The default is to align the region resolution to
> match the region boundaries. "
> Please try along with the res=value.
> Markus
Strange, the behaviour I described only happens in one particular map 
set I was working in yesterday.

I have tried out in different map sets now, and there it works as I 
expected, i.e., no need to supply the res=value argument.

|# start region|
|> g.region -g|
||# setting region based on vector|
|> g.region save=test|
|> g.region vector=test|
|> g.region -g|
||# resetting region, and then setting based on vector with a flag|
|> g.region region=test|
|> g.region -a vector=test|
|> g.region -g|

This is how I always assumed, and would hope, it to work. So depending 
on the intended behaviour, perhaps the note should be changed to:

"By default the region resolution is aligned to match the region boundaries.
With the -a flag all four boundaries are adjusted to be even multiples 
of the
resolution, aligning the region to the resolution supplied by the user
(res=xxx), or, if not supplied, to the current resolution"

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