[GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #2873: Simplify usage of GRASS in Python from outside
trac at osgeo.org
Sat Jan 23 11:39:00 PST 2016
#2873: Simplify usage of GRASS in Python from outside
Reporter: wenzeslaus | Owner: grass-dev@…
Type: | Status: new
enhancement |
Priority: major | Milestone: 7.1.0
Component: Python | Version: svn-trunk
Resolution: | Keywords: startup, installation, scripts,
| interpreter, windows installer, pygrass,
CPU: | temporal, bootstrap, boilerplate
Unspecified | Platform: All
Comment (by hellik):
Replying to [ticket:2873 wenzeslaus]:
> To use GRASS GIS functionality in Python from outside of a GRASS
session, i.e. without starting GRASS GIS explicitly and running a script
(or an actual module) in the session, one needs to include approximately
50 lines as described in the
script.setup grass.script.setup] manual (or in the lengthy related
wiki page]).
> Ideally, one would just do import and then one or two lines of
initialization, for example:
> {{{
> #!python
> import grass.script as gscript
> rcfile = gscript.init_data("~/grassdata", "nc_spm", "user1")
> do_what_ever_with_grass()
> os.remove(rcfile)
> }}}
> == Suggestion ==
> The attached code is a prototype implementation of the Python part which
would allow something like this. The code can only work if the following
variables are set:
> {{{
> #!bash
> export GRASS_EXECUTABLE="/path/to/grass"
> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$($GRASS_EXECUTABLE --config path)/lib
> export PYTHONPATH=$($GRASS_EXECUTABLE --config path)/etc/python
> }}}
> The `GRASS_EXECUTABLE` does not have to be set if `grass` is on the path
or, in theory, if it is in on some standard path (e.g. `C:\Program Files
(x86)\GRASS GIS 7.0.0\grass70.bat` on MS Windows). However, dynamic
library path must always be set ahead (as described in #2424) for ctypes
to work (both PyGRASS and temporal depends on ctypes). The path to Python
packages must be set ahead as well if you want to use the initialization
functions from the package.
> == Making it simple ==
> The three lines above might be good enough on Linux where you just dump
it to command line or `.bashrc` but for MS Windows users it is too
complicated. The QGIS project also considers this too much work
([https://github.com/qgis/qgis3.0_api/issues/9 PyQGIS bootstrap is
> GRASS Python packages could go to the system packages directory, so that
we avoid the need for setting `PYTHONPATH`. This might work well on MS
Windows when usage of system Python is implemented as described in #2333.
there is no ''system Python'' in windows. users always has to install
python manually systemwide, possibly interfering with other python
installations installed by other software.
> On Linux, `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` can be avoided if the libraries are
installed into the system path. On MS Windows, putting more things on
`PATH` is standard procedure from what I have seen.
>Mac OS X, `DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH` can't be used anyway
since El Capitan].
> GRASS GIS executable should be on path on all platforms in the same way
as it is on path in Linux. This is maybe not standard on MS Windows but at
the end this is what users want (they want GRASS to be available right
IMHO it is not a good practice to put ''everything'' in ''%PATH%'' in
windows. ''poisoning'' %PATH% should be avoided IMHO.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/2873#comment:1>
GRASS GIS <https://grass.osgeo.org>
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