[GRASS-dev] All attempts to enable English language have failed. GRASS running with C locale. (trunk)

Maris Nartiss maris.gis at gmail.com
Sun Nov 26 04:06:23 PST 2017

2017-11-25 11:46 GMT+02:00 Helmut Kudrnovsky <hellik at web.de>:
> here a win 10 with german locale; setting preferences in GRASS to en, then I
> get:
> --------------
> All attempts to enable English language have failed. GRASS running with C
> locale.
> If you observe UnicodeError in Python, install en_US.UTF-8 locale and
> restart GRASS.
> -------------
> what does this mean?
It means that you want to run GRASS in a language that is not
supported on your system. Attempts to switch GRASS + any related
programs that GRASS might be calling to English have failed. Your
GRASS session will run with C locale. It is not the same as en_US and
thus, although you might see messages in English (due to fact that
they are in English in the source code), it will not behave as it
should for a proper (US) English language (i.e. sorting will be "A B C
a b c" versus your expected "a A b B c C"). One more bad thing will be
defaulting to ASCII encoding thus most likely causing a failure at the
first encounter with "Österreich" (still "schadenfreude" will be
fine). To enjoy a proper English experience in GRASS, you should
install en_US.UTF-8 locale on your system. If you think – how QGIS
manages to deal with it –, here GRASS modularity bites us, besides
everything in QGIS-land is also not so fine with language switching.

Unfortunately I do not have access to recent Windows boxes (I have a
Vista VM), neither MacOS thus patches solving problems on those OSes
will have to be provided by GRASS Windows and Mac developers.

> -----
> best regards
> Helmut

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