Maciej Sieczka tutey at o2.pl
Thu Oct 26 08:37:16 EDT 2006


Markus Neteler wrote:

> I have updated at least
> http://grass.gdf-hannover.de/wiki/GRASS_Project_Steering_Commitee#Status_September_2006
> The RFC-1 was discussed very controversal, opinions were orthogonal.
> Let's see if we can fix this. I cc to all PSC members.

I, for one, don't have problems with it.

technical note: there are 3 links to RFC-1 on the GRASS WIKI page;
only the 3rd one links to actuall document, the 2 other link to
http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1.txt; ???

> @GRASS-PSC: should I create a dedicated mailing list to get communication
> archived?


BTW - we can arrange voting using GForge surveys (a hint from Jachym).
There is an option to ask a question with radio buttons 1-5 for the
reply. 1 would be our -1, 2=-0, 3=0, 4=0+, 5=1+ (it would be even
better if Intevation guys could customize the naming of radio buttons
for us, should I ask them if that's possible?). Convenient tool, easy
to view the results.

There is only a problem with rights assigmnet at GForge. I asked
Intevation but no reply, see:
Before we start using GForge (either the trackers or surveys) for real
this issue should be resolved. Anybody experienced with GForge? Could
someone in good relations with  Intevation ask them what is the status
(I don't want to tease them myself)?


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