[GRASS-stats] Error when starting grass from R (grass installed thru osgeo4w)
Roger Bivand
Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
Sun Sep 16 07:48:48 PDT 2018
Sorry, no idea. Testing was from R for Windows using initGRASS(), but a long time ago. Starting R from within GRASS, picking up the environment variables already created during GRASS startup msy be less fragile, as you are using an existing location.
Roger Bivand
Norwegian School of Economics
Bergen, Norway
On Sun, Sep 16, 2018 at 4:43 PM +0200, "Veronica Andreo" <veroandreo at gmail.com<mailto:veroandreo at gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi Helli, Roger
No, I just opened R console (installed outside OSGeo4W) and from there, I tried to init grass.
Should I open R from OSGeo4W command console and then init grass there? Is that the workflow?
El dom., 16 sept. 2018 a las 16:25, Helmut Kudrnovsky (<hellik at web.de<mailto:hellik at web.de>>) escribió:
Veronica Andreo wrote
> Hello,
> I am preparing a one week GRASS GIS course and I mostly expect Windows
> users, so I recommend to install from OSGeo4W that allows to easily
> install
> also QGIS, msys (to get nice bash tricks) and other libraries that are
> then
> needed for some grass add-ons.
> The last day of the course, I'll show the connection with R. Now, starting
> R within a grass session works as expected. But I get errors when trying
> to
> initialize GRASS (installed from OSGeo4W) from R console. I am following
> the instructions in the wiki [0]
> First, I had to change the slashes from windows type, to linux type
> (because I got:
> Error: '\O' in an unrecognized escape in character string ""C:\O").
> After that, I get the following:
>> initGRASS(gisBase = 'C:/OSGeo4W64/apps/grass/grass-7.4.0', gisDbase =
> 'C:/Users/RETA/Documents/grassdata', location = 'nc_spm_08_grass7', mapset
> = 'user1', SG='elevation')
> Error in if (!compatible) { : argumento tiene longitud cero
> Además: Warning messages:
> 1: In system(paste("g.dirseps.exe -g", shQuote(Sys.getenv("GISRC"))), :
> comando ejecutado 'g.dirseps.exe -g "junk"' tiene estatus 309
> 2: In system(paste("g.dirseps.exe -g", shQuote(gisDbase)), intern = TRUE)
> :
> comando ejecutado 'g.dirseps.exe -g "C:/Users/RETA/Documents/grassdata"'
> tiene estatus 309
> 3: In dir.create(loc_path) :
> cannot create dir 'NA\nc_spm_08_grass7', reason 'No such file or
> directory'
> 4: In dir.create(paste(loc_path, "PERMANENT", sep = "/")) :
> cannot create dir 'NA\nc_spm_08_grass7\PERMANENT', reason 'No such file or
> directory'
> 5: In dir.create(paste(loc_path, mapset, sep = "/")) :
> cannot create dir 'NA\nc_spm_08_grass7\user1', reason 'No such file or
> directory'
> 6: In system(paste("g.version", get("addEXE", envir = .GRASS_CACHE), :
> comando ejecutado 'g.version.exe' tiene estatus 309
> Any hints? I also attach a screenshot with the message that appears (I
> cannot copy/paste the text in that message)
> Thanks much in advance!
> Vero
> [0] https://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/R_statistics/rgrass7#GRASS_within_R
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it's a missing dll.
Are you invoking R from inside the OSGeo4W command console?
best regards
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