[GRASS translations] New translator

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Thu Jun 1 08:41:34 EDT 2006

On Thu, Jun 01, 2006 at 08:16:18AM -0300, pmarc wrote:
> 2006/5/31, Eve Rousseau <eve.red at magic.fr>:
> >Good evening Daniel,
> >
> >> I talked to Paulo Marcondes (pmarc) about helping him out with the
> >> Portuguese (Brazilian) translation of GRASS and we where wondering,
> >> are there any tips/trick for two persons to work on the same language?
> >> How do people coordinate such things?
> >
> >You can split work on files : one working on grasslibs, the other on 
> >grassmods
> >(or maybe between type of messages : fuzzy translations/untranslated).
> This is what we will try in this first round. We have lots of fuzzy in
> grassmods and that is making me a bit nervous =D
> >The main constraint is time available - most often, translators don't work
> >simultaneously (every other week/month/etc.) ... Therefore, the rule is 
> >always :
> >1) commit early
> >2) commit often
> This would be ideal, but since GRASS is a bit conservative on CVS
> write access that won't work so clear cut. I understand this as the
> devels do not want some newbie to screw up the whole project.

The whole idea of restricted CVS write access is that we want the
people to be familiar with CVS, at least at working knowledge

A simple test is that they send us 'CVS diffs' of a submission
instead of the whole file. To learn this, spend 10 minutes of your
time :-)
> Markus, would it be possible to grant write access just to the locale
> directory on CVS?
> That should solve the issue of translataros write access to cvs. I
> understand that creating a separate CVS just for translations is out
> of the question.

The concept of CVS doesn't support it: you get access to the entire
system (which worked well in the past). Once we migrate to SVN (not
sure if and when), this will become easy to maintain.

> So, what I am talking to Daniel is for him to send me his whole work,
> I diff and patch to mine, diff from CVS and the diff goes both to him
> and Markus.

Cool. I am sure that we can grant access after a short "dry" round of
'CVS diffs'. It is just that *you* tell me that you are willing to
learn the few commands. What about writing a Wiki page to teach people
about CVS in 10 minutes?

A presto


> Au revoir, Eve.
> -- 
> Paulo Marcondes = PU1/PU2PIX
> -22.915 -42.229 = GG87vc (http://www.amsat.org/cgi-bin/gridconv)
> Debian GNU/Linux = http://rj.debianbrasil.org = http://www.debian.org

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