
Michael Shapiro shapiro at zorro.cecer.army.mil
Mon Nov 9 12:13:14 EST 1992

Use r.cross on the vegegation map and the park map, this will create
a map with vegetation classes inside the park distinguished from vegegation
class outside the part. Use r.cross as part of the process. You might
want to use r.stats and r.cats as well to know what the classes from r.cross

GRASS 4.1 r.cross builds an different cats file from 4.0 (carries the
labels along from each class in each file) and r.stats has a -l option
to report the class labels as wellas as the class catgeory numbers.
The new r.cross is on the ftp site. The new r.stats is not. 

|Does anyone out there know how to use r.mapcalc (or r.infer) to
|reclassify a map showing distinct clumps of vegetation that are
|both inside and outside of a national park.
|I started by using r.clump to get +/- 600 clumps of different
|vegetation types
|Then I added the clumped values (1 to 600) to the ownership map
|to identify clumps that are both inside and outside the park.
|Is there anyway to use r.mapcalc to show which clumps are:
|1:  totally outside the park
|2:  partially inside and partially outside
|3:  totally inside the park
|The only way I figured out to do this was to add 1000 to the
|clumped values.  
|Those clumps that are totally inside the park are >1000
|Those clumps that are totall outside the park are <600
|Those clumps that are both inside the park and outside the park
|will have a value less than 600 and >1000 (e.g. clump 2 and 1002
|or clump 458 and clump 1458 will be both in and out of the park)
|Short of using r.reclass, is there a different way to identify
|those clumps tahat are partially inside and outside -- I may need
|to do this on maps with more than 6000 clumps!
|Thank you 
|Jim Klein
|jrk6f at uva.pcmail.Virginia.EDU
|University of Virginia
|Department of Landscape Architecture

Michael Shapiro                        U.S. Army CERL                  
email:   shapiro at amber.cecer.army.mil  Office of GRASS Integration
phone:   (217) 373-7277                P.O. Box 9005                   
fax:     (217) 373-7222                Champaign, Ill. 61826-9005

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