
Michael Shapiro shapiro at zorro.cecer.army.mil
Tue Oct 27 11:18:59 EST 1992

GRASS  applications  that  perform   graphics   (programs   likes
d.display,  d.rast,  d.vect)  are  written  with  a GRASS-defined
device-independent function calls. These calls transmit  requests
to  a  program  which is listening for such requests and executes
them for the specific device for which  they  were  written  -  a
client-server  type  relationship.  GRASS calls the program which
actually does the graphics the "monitor".  In  order  to  do  any
graphics  in  GRASS you must start and select a monitor. Under X-
windows (or openwindows) you would start  a  monitor  that  knows
about  X-window  graphics  by typing "d.mon start=x0" from within
GRASS. Of course d.mon needs to know how to actually  start  this
"monitor"  and  it  gets  its  information  from  a  file  called
"monitorcap" in the GRASS etc/ directory.

When GRASS  was  installed  on  your  system,  whomever  did  the
installation  would  have  had to (1) compile the XDRIVER and (2)
edit the monitorcap file  to  enable  d.mon  to  know  about  the
XDRIVER and that it can be called as x0, x1, x2, etc.

There is no d.start.x0 script in GRASS although sites  can  write
one easily enough, since it would contain one line:
    d.mon start=x0

Note: by default the start request also selects the device. GRASS
considers  these  requests  distinct (starting then selecting) so
that users may have two or more monitors running and  can  switch
between  them  by  just  selecting different ones. But to make it
easier for the more common case of just  one  monitor, the  start
also does a select (but of course, there is a flag to d.mon which
suppresses the select if you don't want the start to do a select).

|I am reading the draft manual of 4.0. It is mentioned that 
|the monitor should be started and then selected with d.mon.
|The script d.start.x0 is used and then x0 is selected.
|I am using openwindow ver.2 and running grass in an xterm 
|window. Where is the  d.start.x0 script? and what is the 
|meaning of monitor? 
|Thank you 

Michael Shapiro                        U.S. Army CERL                  
email:   shapiro at zorro.cecer.army.mil  Environmental Division          
phone:   (217) 373-7277                P.O. Box 9005                   
fax:     (217) 373-7222                Champaign, Ill. 61826-9005

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