coordinate conversion
Nancy Greeley
ngreeley at
Tue Apr 20 13:54:18 EDT 1993
coordinate conversion
a recent grasshopper reply on this subject was:
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 93 10:20:49 EDT
>From: gie at (Gerald I. Evenden)
>Date: Wed, 14 Apr 93 13:23:54 PDT
>From: lewis!teresa at (Teresa Hansen)
>Does anyone know of a conversion program within
>GRASS, or anywhere else, that will convert State
>Plane Coordinates to UTM coordinates ???? The area
>in question is in Washington State. Any help is
>much appreciated.
>Teresa Hansen
>Fort Lewis, Washington.
You can use Unix or DOS proj (rel 4 from
A few notes.
Washington has two zones: 4601 for the northern half and
4601 for the southern half. Dividing line usually on a county line.
I have a list of counties and zones.
Which datum is being used: NAD27 or NAD83.
Washington is convered by two UTM zones: 10 for 126W-120W and
11 for 120W-114W
For data from the NW part of the state the following is an example
assuming input data in NAD27 SPCS coordinates:
proj -I +init=nad27:4601 -o <<EOF | proj -i +proj=utm +zone=10 +ellps=clrk66
496806.20 67808.27 somewhere in Seattle
488309.43 197730.10 somewhere in Bellingham
The results should look like:
550115.00 5271839.98
537967.66 5401427.49
If using NAD83, change +init=nad83:4601 and +ellps=GRS80. DO NOT mix
datum ellipsoids.
If there are any further questions, please contact me.
Gerald (Jerry) I. Evenden Internet: gie at
voice: (508)563-6766 Postal: P.O. Box 1027
fax: (508)457-2310 N.Falmouth, MA 02556-1027
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