Problems with ftp on

Kenneth R Brownfield brownfld at
Wed Apr 21 10:52:52 EDT 1993

Andreas Holz said:
|What about the ls command on Everytime
|I try a ls, I get the message 
|	425 Can't build data connection: Interrupted system service.

     This is a very low-level problem that as of yet has not been solved.
The problem exists for network connections that have long delay times (for
instance, US to Europe).  If dir doesn't work, there is a file called ls-lR
in /grass that contains a constantly-updated directory of all the GRASS
archives.  If you "cd /grass" and "get ls-lR" you'll have a file that will
help you navigate through the ftp site without the need of the ls command.
     Hope this helps!

|Dipl. Geol. Andreas Holz    email: asholz at
|Institut fuer Geologie und Mineralogie
|Schlossgarten 5
|W-8520 Erlangen
Kenneth R. Brownfield                 |         brownfld at |
Office of GRASS Integration,          | grass-lists-owner at |
United States Army Corps of Engineers |   grass-ftp-admin at |
Construction Engineering Research     |                   (800) USA-CERL x526 |
Laboratories, Champaign, Illinois     |                   (217) 373-7222  fax |

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