MADTRAN coordinate transformation

Glenn Shirtliffe gms at
Mon Mar 29 12:31:48 EST 1993

The DMA has a program called MADTRAN which is fairly robust 
and very cheap (free).  See DMA TR 8350.2 (2nd Ed) 1 Sept 1991.
The Tech Report includes a disk with MADTRAN sources & execs.

"The MADTRAN program (for MApping Datum TRANsformation) is provided 
on 5.25 inch floppy disc (double density) for IBM compatible personal
computers.  The program allows input from geodetic, Universal 
Transverse Mercator (UTM), or the Military Grid Reference System (MGRS)
coordinates.  Over 100 datums are available for transformation to or from 
WGS84.  Output is automatically presented as geodetic, UTM, and MGRS

To obtain contact:

DMA Systems Center
12100 Sunset Hills Rd., Suite 200
Reston, VA  22090


Director, DMA
Combat Support Center
6001 MacArthur Blvd.
Bethesda, MD 20816-5001 
Phone: (301) 227-2534
       (800) 826-0342


DMA TR 8350.2 contains no copyrighted material, nor is any 
copyright pending. Since the report's distribution/availability 
statement designates it as "Approved for public release;
Distribution Unlimited", I will make the MADTRAN code available
over anonymous FTP at in /pub/madtran.

If any questions/problems arise, drop an e-mail to me directly.

   \_\_\_     \_      \_     \_\_\_\_         Glenn M. Shirtliffe
  \_     \_    \_\_  \_\_   \_       \_       Principal Research Scientist
  \_            \_ \_\_ \_   \_               BATTELLE National Security
   \_   \_\_\_   \_  \_  \_    \_\_\_\_       Columbus, Ohio 43201-2693
    \_       \_   \_      \_           \_     614.424.5653 vox
      \_     \_    \_      \_  \_       \_    614.424.3776 fax
        \_\_\_      \_      \_   \_\_\_\_     gms at

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