v.digit problem

Grass software grass at mishell.usda.msu.edu
Tue Apr 5 15:59:46 EDT 1994

> GRASS net--
> We're having a problem with v.digit's display window.  When we enter
> control points, chech registration, and define the digitizing window we
> seem to have a scaling problem in one direction (either the X or Y,
> depending on how we set up the map).  V.digit creates a long skinny
> window whose coordinates do not match the digitizing window we
> entered.  After this point, we can digitize normally, points returned
> from the digitizer have the correct map coordinates, etc., but they
> fall outside the bogus digitizing window on the graphics monitor.
> Please help!  We have run out ideas.
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> Michael Camann                          camann at dial.pick.uga.edu
> Department of Entomology                camann at phoenix.cs.uga.edu
> University of Georgia                   (706) 542-1388
> Athens, GA 30602                        (706) 542-2276
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


Some of our field office GRASS sites here in Michigan have reported this
same problem. I know that this sounds pretty simplistic, but the problem
turned out to be that on particular machines, when you set the first point
with the digitizer, there is about a second delay before it's "safe" to 
move the puck to the diagonal corner to set the next point for the 
digitizing window. What it's doing is selecting a point somewhere between
the point you actually want and the second corner you pick. What I tell
our folks to do is to select the first corner then wait for the "beep"
before moving the puck to the second corner.

Like I said, pretty simplistic, but the first few times someone called me
with this problem I had a heck of a time trying to figure out what was
wrong before it occurred to me that it could be something this simple !!

I hope that your problem is as under-whelming as mine was !! (For once !!)

Good Luck,

Brent Stinson
SCS Michigan
brent at mishell.usda.msu.edu

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