loading intergraph design files into grass.

Allan Axon aaxon at ogsun1.dnr.ohio.gov
Thu Feb 3 09:12:12 EST 1994

We transfer .dgn files into GRASS 4.0 via .dxf format and v.in.dxf
I do not know if GRASS 4.1 has a command to import .dgn files directly without
going through .dxf.  The .dxf files are created by the Intergraph software.

Good luck,
Allan Axon

Ohio Department of Natural Resources |         
Division of Geological Survey        |         
Mineral Resources and                |      Phone: 614-265-1030
        Geochemistry Section         |      FAX:   614-447-1918
4383 Fountain Square Dr.             |
Columbus, OH  43224-1362             |
Internet:  aaxon at ogsun1.dnr.ohio.gov
> Does anyone know if there is a command to load intergraph design files
> into GRASS (.dgn files).
> I know that other systems such as ARC/INFO have such a command (in 
> If anyone knows of such a command and can help it would be greatly 
> appreciated.  Thanks,
> Paul Sorensen, Dept. of Geography, UCSB
> (paul at geog.ucsb.edu)

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