Data base access problem.

Jim Theriault theriault at
Wed Jan 19 14:55:12 EST 1994

I must first apologize for asking a dumb question -  the first one.  

1.  Having been a Grass user (and installer), I convinced a collegue to try
a few things.  Unfortunately,  though he can access GRASS4.1,  he is unable
to access my database.  After the initial specification of the location and
mapset, GRASS responds with a message saying "Sorry, no access to <<PERMANENT>>."  
Afterwords, it lists the Mapsets in the location and says
"note: you do not have access to any of these mapsets"

I have made sure that everyone has read access to the files in the mapset
(and in fact changed the protection so that everyone had write access), with no 
change in the situations.

I am obviously missing something simple.  Does anyone have any suggestions?

2.  I have been using GRASS4.1 and XGRASS4.1 on an SGI as well as GRASS4.1 on
an HP715/50, but I have never been able to properly install XGRASS on the HP.
I had tried a number of solutions appearing on this newsgroup prior to October
of last year, but with no success.  Does anyone have an HP head file which 
works.  (I even tried to ftp the binary version from on a 
number of occasions, but the network link between here and pampas doesn't seem
to stay up long enough for me to transfer the files.)

Thank you for any help you can offer.


|            James A. Theriault           | theriault at   |
| Defence Research Establishment Atlantic |                              |
|              P.O. Box 1012              |     (902)426-3100 Ext. 376   | 
|     Dartmouth, N.S. CANADA B2Y 3Z7      | FAX (902)426-9654            |

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