application questions

Scott Wade wade at
Mon Jul 11 09:42:55 EDT 1994

Karen Bryant (kbryant at wrote:
> I am attempting to compose a map [using]....
> ... The title, colortable,
> vector, comments, grid, and header will not display on the map.
> instruction file:
> verbose 2
> scale 1:24000
> maploc 4.875 6.625
> raster dtidw_dstrb_rt
>  setcolor 0 white
>  setcolor 1 cyan
>  setcolor 2 magenta
>  end                  <----------------  incorrect
> colortable y
>  where 15 30.375
>  font romant
>  fontsize 14
>  color black
>  end

  The "end" that I have pointed out here is the reason that nothing
  but the raster layer appears in the output.  It needs to be deleted.

  Unlike other instructions that are used to design and place
  map elements, the "raster" instruction is not terminated with an
  "end".  The "setcolor" instructions are independent of the "raster"
  instruction, and they, too, do not terminate with an "end".

  The "end" that Karen uses here is read by the program as the
  termination of the entire script, so only the instructions before
  it are processed.

  (It is a reasonable mistake - I think all the map element instructions
  should have the same format.  The reason the "raster" instruction is this
  way in is because it is this way in  Apparently,
  was written when GRASS was almost totally raster-oriented, and the
  "raster" instruction was considered unique compared to others.)

  Scott Wade
  wade at
  Technical Assistance Center
  U. S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories
  My words, not my employer's.  These are unofficial comments!  <--------  !!!

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