UTM to attribute value
James Darrell McCauley
mccauley at ecn.purdue.edu
Mon Jul 18 18:18:35 EDT 1994
Nathan Kuhnert (nrkuhner at chief.ecn.uoknor.edu ) writes on 18 Jul 94:
>I have used r.random to generate some UTM points from my raster as well
>as make a sites file of some UTM points of interest. I am interested in
>the corresponding value associated with the UTM location(raster cell) and
>I am having to use d.what.rast to click on the marker on the raster map
>to see the value. Is there a better way to determine the attribute value of the
>UTM cordinates rather that using d.what.rast. Maybe input the UTM or LL
>cordinate and the output will be the corresponding raster value.
yes, you might try s.rand/s.sample, from
s.rand is used to create random points.
s.sample will take a sites file as input and
sample a raster map at each site.
> Thank you
> nrkuhner at chief.ecn.uoknor.edu
James Darrell McCauley, Purdue Univ, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1146, USA
mccauley at ecn.purdue.edu, mccauley%ecn at purccvm.bitnet, pur-ee!mccauley
P.S. my mail server on ecn is temporary down. address urgent replies
to mccauley at stat.purdue.edu or mccauley at acn.purdue.edu
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