
Jeri Krueger krueger at suncqs.fw.vt.edu
Thu Jul 21 16:53:37 EDT 1994

> From grass-lists-owner at max.cecer.army.mil Thu Jul 21 13:56:12 1994
> From: sktangel at quercus.ecn.uoknor.edu
> Date: Thu, 21 Jul 1994 12:46:32 -0500
> Sender: grass-lists-owner at max.cecer.army.mil
> Reply-To: grassu-list at max.cecer.army.mil
> To: grassu-list at max.cecer.army.mil
> Subject: Re:  m.dem.extract
> Cc: krueger at suncqs.fw.vt.edu
> Content-Length: 613
> Hello Mr. Krueger,
>         I read your question on users_list today. I was faced with the same prob
> lem some time back. "m.dem.extract" works only for 1:24000 scale DEMs. For the 1
> degree chunks we get from the ftp site you have to use m.dmaUSGSread command. th
> e procedure is to read the DEM in using the fore mentioned program and then rota
> te the product using m.rot90. Then the resulting data can be imported into GRASS
>  by "r.in.ll". Try and read the manual for "m.dmaUSGSread" program. It explains 
> in detail the syntax and also the use of "dd" with this command. Hope this works. All the best!
> Bye,
> Sree.

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