Encad plotter

Jill Schuler jschuler at ncg.scs.ag.gov
Wed Jun 1 13:59:27 EDT 1994

%%%> I am undergoing similiar  'driver' troubles with another
%%%> model  (  Encad NovaJet,  "E" inkjet)  anyway...
%%%> I believe you will find that   NewsPrint is  Sun's proprietary
%%%> "postscript" stuff  you're  Sun-sales person should know 
%%%> how to provide it...  and provide info as to its applicability.
%%%> good luck,
%%%>    Arlin
%%%> --
%%%>   Arlin B Collins             Info Sys Mgr - TIAER
%%%>   arlin at tiaer.tarleton.edu    Box T-258, 201 St. Felix
%%%>   817/968-9573                Tarleton State Univ.
%%%>   fax 968-9568                Stephenville, TX  76402
%%%We do not have the Encad Novajet plotter, but some of our state offices
%%%do.  The hpgl driver in mapgen should work fine with the plotter.
%%%If you want postscript output then look into the Image Alchemy
%%%software (see archives to find more info - this has been brought up
%%%before) for use with mapgen and with the new ps.map.

The mapgen driver for 8 pen plots is hpgl.  However, if you are using more
than 8 pens you must use the calhpgl driver.  The calhpgl driver is setup for
255 pens.


#  # #### #### ####      ######  #### ##### Jill R. Schuler
#  # #    #  # #  #      #      #     #     USDA 
#  # #### #  # #### ### ####   #     ####   Soil Conservation Service
#  #    # #  # #  #        #  #         #   National Cartography and 
#  #    # #  # #  #       #  #         #    GIS Center
#### #### #### #  #   ####  ###### ####     P.O. Box 6567 
				            Ft. Worth, TX 76115
e-mail: jschuler at ncg.scs.ag.gov             Phone: (817) 334-5559 x3086


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