d.mon (fwd)

Chris Rewerts rewerts at diego.cecer.army.mil
Thu Jun 16 13:06:28 EDT 1994

>>From: STE077 at ZAM001.ZAM.KFA-JUELICH.DE (Ralf Kunkel)
>>Message-ID: <199406151611.LAA06743 at max.cecer.army.mil>
>Regarding your note to kill the monitor using the PS and KILL command. At
>least on our system the GRASS monitor doesn't appear in the task list.
>Therefore, it is not possible to kill it this way.
>Maybe this is not the "default" behavior, but in this case something in OUR
>system is wrong (which could be the case).
>Ralf Kunkel

This is a bourne shell script I devised. I will not take responsibility
for misuse. This is a brute force method.  Your mileage may vary.
Beware the jabberwok. I probably should have added something to 
intelligent remove the 'lock' files. 

Chris Rewerts

-------------------------begin script-----------------------------------------
# this is to make sure all the monitors are dead
# should be used as a last resort. will seek and destroy all the monitors
# a user has running and kill them. who knows, may kill other things, too

# ask d.mon for a list of all monitors, for each we grab its name
# then loop through that list. for each one, we seek the name in
# the users process table. we make sure the process is indeed running
# with a fifo to help preclude killing a coincidental name, then 
# we keeeeeell it.

for i in `d.mon -l | awk ' NR > 2 {printf("%s\n", $1)}'`

kill -9 `ps -x | grep $i | grep -v grep | grep fifo | awk '{print $1}'` 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null


# unset the MONITOR variable
g.gisenv MONITOR=
-------------------------end script-----------------------------------------

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