Tcl/Tk help

N R A nra at
Thu Mar 10 12:14:00 EST 1994

Sorry - this is not really strictly anything to do with GIS, however it 
is something to do with my efforts to get ready to use Tcl/Tk with GRASS, 
so please bear with me.

I've got Tcl compiled ok - easy just follow the instructions.

Problem is trying to get Tk to compile. If I understand it - and I don't  
it's failing in the attempt to link with the X11 library

This is the result of the make
tyne% make
cc -O -I. -I./../tcl7.3 -I/usr/openwin/include  -DHAVE_UNISTD_H=1 
-DNO_STDLIB_H=1     -DTK_LIBRARY=\"/usr/local/lib/tk\" tkAppInit.o 
libtk.a ../tcl7.3/libtcl.a -lX11  -lm -o wish
ld: -lX11: No such file or directory
*** Error code 4
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `wish'

I've looked for the 'X11' on our Sun (an IPX with Open Windows 2) and can 
only find the following '*X11*' files


Can someone tell me how to alter the Makefile so it can use these - I 
assuming that it can !

Steve Culshaw
NRA North West
e-mail : nra at (general usage)
or         sculshaw at (Private - only checked at best 

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